
Aegis - the mythical shield of the Greek god, Zeus. 00:01:43.269 - 00:01:48.639
A ship armed with the Aegis system is the ultimate defensive weapon. 00:01:48.875 - 00:01:54.313
But dare we ask - what is the purpose of such a shield... 00:01:54.914 - 00:01:58.611
...if a country cannot even justify its own existence? 00:01:59.152 - 00:02:02.451
A country without a blueprint for its future? 00:02:02.789 - 00:02:04.450
If Japan cannot change - 00:02:05.525 - 00:02:06.822
- it will no longer be worth defending. 00:02:07.360 - 00:02:10.454
Then Aegis will be nothing more than a shield for a lost nation. 00:02:10.897 - 00:02:14.560
The children of today hold Japan's future in their hands. 00:02:15.435 - 00:02:18.768
What will we pass on to them? 00:02:19.139 - 00:02:21.937
What will they inherit from our generation? 00:02:22.308 - 00:02:24.606
What should we do to ensure Japan will be a nation worth inheriting? 00:02:25.612 - 00:02:34.714
I'II be in the Command Room. 00:02:37.090 - 00:02:37.920
Yes, sir. 00:02:38.258 - 00:02:39.088
We are now in possession of GUSOH. 00:03:01.347 - 00:03:05.113
If you make another attempt at recovery... 00:03:06.186 - 00:03:08.381
...we will immediately unleash it. 00:03:09.289 - 00:03:11.587
Louder. 00:03:11.891 - 00:03:12.721
Make no mistake - we are acting independently. 00:03:14.594 - 00:03:16.585
Not on behalf of any nation. 00:03:16.663 - 00:03:20.190
And now, a demonstration of our resolve. 00:03:20.633 - 00:03:24.501