
Meredith: In 1847, the American Medical Association 00:00:05.710 - 00:00:07.766
published its code of ethics, in which physicians 00:00:07.790 - 00:00:11.396
were encouraged to provide free services to the poor 00:00:11.420 - 00:00:14.146
as part of their public duty. 00:00:14.170 - 00:00:15.896
Hey, Mer. 00:00:15.920 - 00:00:16.807
Karev, you're late. 00:00:16.831 - 00:00:18.396
It's 5:00 a.m., and it's not Karev anymore. 00:00:18.420 - 00:00:21.186
Fair enough. What is it? 00:00:21.210 - 00:00:22.646
Okay, Jo. 00:00:23.880 - 00:00:25.186
You're late, and it's Pro Bono Surgery Day. 00:00:25.210 - 00:00:27.096
I have 25 patients to get through 00:00:27.120 - 00:00:28.436
and only four general surgeons. 00:00:28.460 - 00:00:29.976
You know it, and I know it. 00:00:32.380 - 00:00:33.856
So get your ass in here. 00:00:33.880 - 00:00:35.146
Hospitals were meant to be centers to care 00:00:44.420 - 00:00:46.266
for the sick and poor. 00:00:46.290 - 00:00:48.266
They were meant to be places of refuge, places to heal. 00:00:48.290 - 00:00:52.266
But somewhere along the way, that changed. 00:00:52.290 - 00:00:54.306
I brought the forms back. 00:00:57.670 - 00:00:58.726
Dr. Grey, if I may, 00:00:59.751 - 00:01:01.266
you were already a legend, but this... 00:01:01.290 - 00:01:03.306