
I once recited a story that's full of sweet memories of college... 00:02:14.935 - 00:02:19.705
carved on classroom benches and the walls of the corridor... 00:02:19.706 - 00:02:24.706
we are still not satiated 00:02:25.579 - 00:02:29.281
so many fond memories that I need to find new places to etch them... 00:02:29.282 - 00:02:34.288
Dude...who is he? 00:03:09.990 - 00:03:11.833
(Superstar Upendra is mouthing hit dialogues from his film) 00:03:16.797 - 00:03:21.797
Dude...the movie is over... 00:03:37.451 - 00:03:39.685
So what if are done with this film? We have another Upendra's film. 00:03:39.686 - 00:03:42.462
Dude...we have a class to attend 00:03:43.290 - 00:03:45.691
Hey,..shut up! 00:03:45.692 - 00:03:46.898
Two previous classes have already been mass bunked by us 00:03:47.294 - 00:03:51.299
We are now facing an attendance shortage due to the lack of proxy 00:03:52.032 - 00:03:56.502
The marks scored by us during exams are missing on our report cards 00:03:56.503 - 00:04:01.340
But I'm sure we will clear a couple of papers during the revals 00:04:01.341 - 00:04:08.691
Two previous classes have already been mass bunked by us 00:04:08.748 - 00:04:13.586
We are now facing an attendance shortage due to the lack of proxy 00:04:13.587 - 00:04:18.324
The marks scored by us during exams are missing on our report cards 00:04:18.325 - 00:04:23.325
But I'm sure we will clear a couple of papers during the revals 00:04:23.396 - 00:04:30.006
It will be useful in the future 00:04:37.911 - 00:04:39.411
Yes 00:04:39.412 - 00:04:39.719
Crowd cheers for Sanvi 00:05:14.314 - 00:05:16.851