
Chapter 1 Back to Glory City 00:01:30.000 - 00:01:33.000
This is.... 00:01:37.022 - 00:01:39.022
Death ? 00:01:39.022 - 00:01:40.110
The City of Glory has been well preserved since the Dark Ages 00:02:36.000 - 00:02:38.062
Many Spiritualists fought to the death to defend it 00:02:38.062 - 00:02:41.110
Legendary spiritualists have created a kingdom within these lands 00:02:42.014 - 00:02:51.060
what ? 00:02:55.003 - 00:02:58.003
"The outside world is taken over by spiritual demons" 00:02:58.052 - 00:03:00.053
"This is the last resistance of mankind" 00:03:01.001 - 00:03:04.047
"Whose constant attacks of spiritual beasts" 00:03:05.002 - 00:03:08.064
I'm in the institute? 00:03:09.007 - 00:03:10.012
The city of Gloria was attacked by demonic beasts. 00:03:14.001 - 00:03:17.039
Ye mo of legendary rank died in battle 00:03:17.076 - 00:03:19.080
My Friends, Lu Piao, Du ze... They sacrificed for us 00:03:20.003 - 00:03:24.008
Caution! 00:03:25.002 - 00:03:25.502
Even Ye Ziyun 00:03:26.003 - 00:03:29.008
Hei Nie Li? Nie Li? What's up? 00:03:35.002 - 00:03:39.002
Hi my friend how are you? 00:03:40.036 - 00:03:42.036
What? Your... Hand.. your hand let me go 00:03:44.008 - 00:03:49.012
I'm back bro 00:03:57.005 - 00:03:59.008
How strange... 00:04:03.016 - 00:04:05.016