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Profile for user: Bibi64

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Registered on:Sun 23 Jun 11:52:00 2013 / Romania
Last login:Wed 24 Jan 10:56:53 2024
Uploaded subtitles:1597

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Gautier @ 2016-04-07 17:27:21
Hello, I didn't understand the report you filed for this file: You said you have Italian subtitles for this film, have you already uploaded them?
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-11 11:03:37
Hello, I tried three times but I can not upload it , it's the only one which I don't succeed, i try now on a different release, with the specification, and after that maybe you will delete it.Thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-11 11:17:42
I think I understand, the subtitle is the same with the one for the 1975 movie, that is the reason for which i don't succeed.That means the subtitle is not for the 1975 movie, ID 0262260? That i don't know, because I downloaded the movie with Pavarotti, ID 0259875, and this subtitle matches .Please make the correction, thank you.(And thank you for all the work you do, means a lot for the people!!!)
Gautier @ 2016-04-11 16:31:38
Could you give me the link of the subtitles which have been given the wrong IMDb ID? And which film should they be assigned to, according to you?
Gautier @ 2016-04-27 21:19:59
This one?
If you upload a new subtitle, you should always give it about 30 min before it shows up on the website.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-28 20:20:34
Yes this is it,thank you.
(I asked you because other subtitles were immediately on the site, and I wondered what happened)I don't want that my work would be lost.Thank you again.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-27 09:25:39
Scuse me, I have a question.Yesterday i uploaded the italian subtitle for Der Freischütz 1968, ID 0205076.On the site it is not possible to see it, is there a problem?Please check!Thank you.
Gautier @ 2016-04-27 21:20:30
This one?
If you upload a new subtitle, you should always give it about 30 min before it shows up on the website.
bubuloimare @ 2016-04-21 09:55:40
Te-aş ruga frumos să bifezi în subtitrările ridicate şi frame rate indicând frecvenţa exemplu. 23,97; 24; 25, etc. Iţi mulţumesc.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-21 22:43:39
Bine, o sa incerc.N-am mai facut asta dar din subtitle Workshop, imi imaginez ca se poate afla.
bubuloimare @ 2016-04-22 11:05:44
Desigur, poti vedea aici
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-21 23:09:57
Am facut modificarile la "Le due vite di Mattia Pascal" si la "La vita de Leonardo Da Vinci", trebuie sa le modific la toate sau doar la anumite filme?
bubuloimare @ 2016-04-22 11:54:45
Dacă estre un deranj prea mare pentru tine- nu. In viitor poţi să bifezi aşa cum am indicat in link.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-23 11:52:45
ok, am s-o fac cu cele viitoare, pentru restul ar fi o munca titanica...eventual in limita posibilitatilor ...
Am vreo doua subtitrari pe care le-am inceput, dar nici nu pot sa le termin si nu as vrea sa irosesc munca pe care am facut-o pana acum E vorba de "A foreign affair" in primul rand Consider ca nu ma prea descurc cu engleza americana,(stiu mai bine italiana) dar filmul merita o sansa. Stii pe cineva care ar putea-o continua?
PS Credeam ca "admin-ul" e altcineva, dar probabil pentru fiecare limba e cineva..
bubuloimare @ 2016-04-26 23:14:43
Poti să-l contactezi pe "Synapse" si să îl rogi pe el dacă poate si are timpul necesar să traducă acest film.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-27 08:58:09
Ok, mersi..
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-27 09:15:55
Scuza-ma, sunt destul de noua pe aici si in afara de a imi "downloada" si "uploada" in mare parte propriile subtitrari, nu prea am avut tangente cu acest site. Daca vreau sa ii scriu celui pe care mi-l recomanzi, cum trebuie sa procedez?Nu am adresa lui de mail si pe site nu stiu cum sa fac .
Citind, mi-am dat seama de conditiile in care poti devii ADMIN, asa ca scuza-mi comentariul stupid postat de catava vreme. (Am vazut cine e adevaratul ADMIN al site-ului.)As fi curioasa cine sunt membrii din Romannia,. etc si as avea de intrebat ceva legat de filme, trebuie sa ma loghez pe forum si sa intreb acolo?
Scuza-mi ignoranta, dar nu am cum sa aflu altfel.
Bibi64 @ 2016-04-27 09:17:17
Scuza-ma, sunt destul de noua pe aici si in afara de a imi "downloada" si "uploada" in mare parte propriile subtitrari, nu prea am avut tangente cu acest site. Daca vreau sa ii scriu celui pe care mi-l recomanzi, cum trebuie sa procedez?Nu am adresa lui de mail si pe site nu stiu cum sa fac .
Citind, mi-am dat seama de conditiile in care poti devii ADMIN, asa ca scuza-mi comentariul stupid postat de catava vreme. (Am vazut cine e adevaratul ADMIN al site-ului.)As fi curioasa cine sunt membrii din Romannia,. etc si as avea de intrebat ceva legat de filme, trebuie sa ma loghez pe forum si sa intreb acolo?
Scuza-mi ignoranta, dar nu am cum sa aflu altfel.
Bibi64 @ 2016-08-27 18:55:47
Acum cateva zile am uploadat subtitrarea in romana pentru "The awful truth" IMDB 0028597 si inca nu apare pe site. Poti te rog sa vezi de ce ?Exista doar cea automata.
Bibi64 @ 2016-08-13 09:31:15
Buna.Am uploadat varianta corecta in romana pentru "The awful truth"(1937) si nu se vede pe site, asta fiind acum cateva zile Am incercat sa o uploadez din nou dar nu e posibil,imi scrie ca exista deja.
Poate poti sa ma ajuti, mersi
bubuloimare @ 2016-08-28 07:58:53
In legătură cu problema semnalata la filmul "The Awful Truth", ai ridicat-o accidental pentru versiunea din 1925. Am făcut corecţia pentru cel din 1937.
Spor la muncă în continuare.
Bibi64 @ 2016-08-28 18:04:39
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2016-05-04 20:17:28
Thanks for the reports, all of them has been handeled now.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-05 22:43:42
You're welcome, a part of them I saw, it's much better, I am happy that I can help a little at thes very useful site!
Gautier @ 2016-05-07 22:26:26
Hello. You've been recently been notifying us of episodes which hadn't been filed under the correct IMDb ID. It's kind of you to do so, but also tedious if you have to go through each and everyone. Admins have tools which allow us to quickly recategorise most of the episodes in a single go, so if you do come across some more, just file a report that the whole series needs cleaning up. It will save you a lot of time. Thanks for the help, and all the best
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-07 23:23:05
I was wondering, in fact,if it was a simplier way to do this..I am happy that this could be done, because for the series which incidentally I've looked upon, it was a little...mess .I will do in the future as you told me.Even in this evening I corrected some of the episodes of the series "The winds of war" but I didn't correct all of them.(so please,if you have time finish this work).
I was going to write to you exactly for this reason.I had thought that it must be an easier way to do it, maybe on the site it should be put an announcement with which the people who want to upload an subtitle can be informed to put the ID of the each episode.... I didn't know that it should be made in this way.
Accidentally I've discovered it alone because this hobby-the making and uploading the subtitles- is not something that is impaired at school...
Is's an idea that should make this work a little easier, I mean that announcement..
All the best to you, also, and sorry for the mistakes.
Gautier @ 2016-05-08 03:49:24
I had a look at The Winds of War, but some of it can't be cleaned up as there seems to have been an eleven CD release (, whilst IMDB only mentions the seven original episodes.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-08 11:04:36
yes, I saw it.Anyhow now is much better.
Another series,if you want to look is "The world at war", a part of them I looked upon, but there are many others, included chinese subtitles.There are only 26 episodes in this series,but there are many others which I am sure don't belong there, if you could find the torrent which contains them, I should be very happy, because they show other aspects which hadn't been included in the series .The episodes 27-35(Secretary to Hitler, The final solution, Hitler's Germany, Hitler total war, Warrior, From war to peace, The making of,,,.)
If you can, please announce me.Thanks
Gautier @ 2016-05-08 18:14:10
Someone should investigate how that series was released. I'm assuming there have been some DVD releases where multiple series were mixed in the same DVD box, but IMDb seems to categorise them as different items. These, for instance, seem to be part of the broader 35 CD release as well: and Feel free to clean them up if you'd like to, but it's tedious work.
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-13 00:02:58
If you can take a look at Masada 1981, id 0081900, I see it'a a little mess up.Thanks
Gautier @ 2016-06-13 02:51:19
All done
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-13 17:18:48
Today I found another:"Auschwitz: The Nazis and the 'Final Solution"ID 0446610.There are unclasified episodes under the same name, but the whole TV series
Thank you
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-14 20:18:13
Hello Today i looked for subtitles for the series Shaka Zulu, IMDB 0086798.I found subtitles at, (the first on the list are not on the opensubtitles site, if you have time, please make a little order...I tried for the croatian subtitles for a few time but I was told that is not a supported format, I don't know why...Thank you.
Gautier @ 2016-06-14 21:47:42
There's not much to tidy up. All subtitles currently on the site relate to joint episodes, composed of three or four episodes. So they can't be catalogued under the individual episodes' entry.
As far as uploading the other subtitles is concerned, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to do so. Just give it a try.
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-15 02:01:04
I saw, it's ok.
I knew the fact that there are torrents made by attaching two or more episodes , and that was the reason for "the unclasified episodes"
I did it several times to upload thesubtitles that I have mentioned , but I don't know the reason for which I don't suceed, because there are srt subtitles.
Anyhow, the languages don't interes me particularly, I put it on the site the english machine translated subtitle for the 7-10 episodes, which will be able to make me (and other people too)understand better the words.I really don't know why doesn't work; anyhow, thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-15 09:56:34
Thank you.
Gautier @ 2016-06-15 14:21:16
DO NOT upload machine translations! This is a site for genuine subtitles, not machine translated crap. As a regular user, this is something you should have known. I have deleted all the ones you recently uploaded.
Bibi64 @ 2016-06-15 16:20:34
I am sorry, but I was thinking that "less than nothing is better something", and I have seen that somebody downloaded part of them and I thought that somebody could be interested in creating a better subtitle with the help of them.
Ok, I will not upload any of that kind.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-08 11:50:50
Please tell me how to contact "Synapse"?Or could you tell him to write to me exactly as you do?I have an unfinished subtitle in Romanian for A foreign affair and i decided that it is too difficult for me, but I made him partially and it's a pitty to lose the work, (Only if he had time, of course)
Another thing, if I may ask, the site is in USA, you are american?If you can not answer, no problem.
Thank you again.
Gautier @ 2016-05-08 18:09:57
People on the site come from everywhere, but most are European.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-08 23:36:59
Thank tou for all.I think you are all right, so I renounce, because anyhow, I cannot find that episodes.If I shall find anything else, I will let you know.All the best.
bubuloimare @ 2016-05-17 17:11:41
Ţi-am trimis un mail pe adresa ta in data 27.04.2016 cu toate datele cerute. Dacă nu lai primit pot să-l trimit din nou.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-17 19:57:30
In 27 am primit trei mail-uri, din care doua de la Gautier si unul de la tine, dar imi scriai sa ma adresez lui Synapse, de alt mail nu stiu nimic.(Poate de asta era vorba?)Inca nu i-am scris, sigur e ocupat, iar eu am terminat o subtitrare la "A raisin in the sun".
Mai am o gramada de filme de facut, unul si unul, ma pricep mai bine la italiana, dar cat de cat merge si engleza.
Filmul "A foreign affair" are termeni cam nefamiliari pentru mine si nu l-as mai continua, dar e facut cam pe jumatate.
Chiar daca nu e definitivat, am pierdut totusi timp pentru asta .Nu stiu ce fac altii, dar eu sunt de parere ca multe din filmele de altadata care au insemnat ceva in cinematografia mondiala,ar trebui sa aiba subtitrari in romana. Stiu ca filmele de acum sunt mai usor asimilabile, insa de asemenea mai stiu ca cele despre care vorbesc ar ajuta pe multi sa fie mai buni. Daca afli "colegi" interesati in ceva mai mult decat un film obisnuit (In engleza), am o lista de "urgente".
Atunci as avea mai mult timp sa-mi dedic celor in italiana, filme de cinemateca si ele...Numai bine.
Bibi64 @ 2016-11-19 16:08:05
If you can, please arrange the subtitles of the series Anne of Green Gables (1985) IMDB 0088727 .I think the subtitles for Anne of Green Gables: The Sequel IMDB 0092571 are not possible to arrange, but look upon.
Thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2016-12-06 10:06:51
Please look upon the subtitles of Hatfields & McCoys, IMDB 1985443, if you can "tidy up" a little.Thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2017-01-16 02:02:01
If you can, please look upon the subtitles of the movie "Rose red" 2002 (imdb 0259153) and fix them in order of the languages.Thank you.
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2016-05-13 12:04:18
You've made report of this subtitle, do you have any idea what is the correct film?:
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-13 18:52:27
I have discovered one moment ago, and I have made the correction, it's "Vanilla Sky".
Do you think that someone could make a subtitle at The Brooke Ellison's story?
It's a touching story that could help many people. Thanks
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2016-05-13 18:58:40
Thanks, It is corrected now. I think you should make request, at least I can't help you with this issue, sorry.
Bibi64 @ 2016-05-14 13:18:26
I made it, thanks.
NetFantasy @ 2016-05-31 20:17:46
Subbed by Italiansubs Thanks! --> scuse me, it\'s correct, it\'s italian subtitles!
bibi ,Italiansubs e il sito ,ovvero ciao
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2016-11-24 09:17:16
I deleted your comment on my profile because of torrent link. But now let's get back to your problem, isn't those subs here:
Bibi64 @ 2016-11-25 09:09:31
Yes, thank you, I made an error and I leaved a comment for this.Thank you again
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2016-11-25 09:20:52
No problem.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-08 13:03:04
Do you think you have a little time for the series "I, Claudius"?
The subtitles need to be arranged a you.
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-17 11:46:42
Hello Bibi64, thanks for your report about - and btw also for your many other reports, they are very helpful.
In this case though, direct download links are not a good idea, so I have declined it. But if you have an exact release name (I mean the file name of the video file), that would be okay. Greetings.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-17 23:04:11
Hello, and thank you for the answer. .
Scuse me but I don't know, what's the procedure, it is forbidden to write the link?I wanted to help the others find the movies, because it's no use to find the subtitle if you don't know where to find the rare movies...but if it so I will not write it anymore.
Another think, I found this evening some subtitle for Parsifal IMDB 0256989 on this site, (year 1983), I can see on "OUR" subtitle site, opensubtitles, there are not uploaded, but I can not upload them, if you can help, thank you.
The name of the video file is "Toys in the attic" year 1963, IMDB 0057598, you can see, it's the only name...The place where I uploaded was rarelust, there was two pieces of an archive which made the movie.
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-17 23:17:00
Don't worry, I understand your good intentions. The problem is just that it is a bit too much to publish a link to a direct download. A release name is one thing, a straight download link is another thing. Subtitles are a gray zone, but links to movies is not so gray anymore, we (whoever that may be) could get in trouble, we better stay away from that.
And yes, old movies often have just the title as release name, nothing like "720p.Bluray.h264-YIFY" and so. You could add any other info to identify the movie, for example the full name (including .mkv, .mp4, .avi or so) and the exact size in bytes.
About the problem of Parsifal, I dont really understand. I looked at that page and there are multiple subs, multiple languages, etc. Too vague to dive into it...
Also, better to ask stuff like this on the forum. And then be very specific so people can reproduce. Which subtitle, (exact URL, for subtitles its okay, haha) and what is the error, etc...
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-17 23:17:04
If you or anybody can arrange the subtitles of the series "I, Claudius" are not in order...Thanks
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-17 23:24:18
Yes, I Claudius is a mess. The subtitles, I mean.
Unfortunately there are a lot of similar cases, and only a limited amount of time available. You could help with submitting reports, giving those unclassified subs the correct IMDb ID, but I won;t blame you if you don't...
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 07:11:54
Thank you, I arranged a part of them .It's a big mess, indeed, more than I think , but with patience , I will manage.I thought you knew the manner in which this could be made automatically, because another admin told me that is possible (and he did so for another movies).
Another thing, if someone could tell all the users to upload the subtitles of the TV series with the IMDB correspondant, not all with the same IMDB of the series. In this way the errors would be less numerous, and they will be in order.Thank you.
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-22 11:06:58
Thank you, great work.
Admins have a bit more possibilities, but in this case the job would be the same. Or maybe I don't know...
You are right about the way of uploading. Unfortuantely it's not that simple, how to tell everybody (many don't read the forum, they don't even know about it, have an unmonitored email address, don't understand or don't care...).
What I am doing for the Dutch section is tell users individually when things come across and write some topics (in Dutch). But same same, I simply cant take the whole world under my wings :)
Thanks a lot for your co-operation and co-thinking. Regards.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 20:45:32
You are welcome.
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-22 09:09:48
I Claudius, all done, excellent work, thank you, you are the man. Or woman, I don't know but great work anyway.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 21:00:53
Thank you, a lot, it's the most beautiful congratulation I have received ultimately.
I am a 52 year romanian woman (a little crazy for the movies).But looking upon these subtitles, I see many of them are yet in disorder.
I don't know, there are yet expecting to be corrected by someone (I corrected a part of them) or they are to be modified by an admin? Yesterday I corrected a part of them but, being so many I let a part for another day, waiting to see which of them remain.Now I see there are many and I don't want to work in vain. So please tell me, somebody(you, maybe) has corrected on the page of I, Claudius, and the remained subtitles are to be corrected? I will correct them but I want to be sure that I will not work in vain.Surely, this case it is odd, many subtitles have not nor the correct IMDB number, nor the correct episode number, so they couldn't be corrected automatically.I am Waiting for your answer.
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-22 21:09:20
When you report them then we just need to accept your report and after that they will be corrected, we really need and appreciate your reports, thank a lot of them, they help us a lot!
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 21:17:03
Yes,I understand, but usually, after how many days? I mean I saw some subtitles which were corrected after one day, maybe there were so many of them yesterday, isn't it?
Anyhow, the series is a mess, I will correct them, little by little.
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-22 21:22:48
It depends on when some of us have the time to check them, I try to check reports several times each day.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 21:44:18
Ok, then the ones on the site of I, Claudius are the rest to be ordered?
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-22 21:56:06
I just accpetd few of your reports, these still need correction:
but now I have to focus on something else.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-22 22:00:51
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-23 04:04:04
I just approved your latest reports, once again, thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-23 06:13:06
You're welcome.
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-23 10:36:59
And once again, thank you for your reports for I, Claudius! You even noticed and corrected wrong episode numbering, according to the title :)
I will not thank you anymore every time (it might become a nuisance, all those notifications), but be advised that we are grateful for your well done work, even when silent ;-)
Best regards.
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-23 22:51:10
Yes, I am happy to do it.It seems a long list, but anytime I will check and see, I will correct them, in time...
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-24 01:11:59
Hello.How about the Borgias?
Can them be put in order automatically?
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-24 20:10:33
I found tv series "Holocaust"
Plese tidy up.(I saw Borgia, it's ok)
Best regards.
SmallBrother @ 2017-02-24 21:48:54
Thank you, but I think it was SimplyTheBOSS who took care of Borgias.
And yes, Holocaust is a big mess, more than I, claudius and Borgias together :)
Just, you are replying to me, but I am on my way out for a trip abroad for two months - and off-duty as admin for this period...
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-24 22:51:44
Yes, scuse me, in fact I was writing to him, but I write tot you.Scuse me again, I will refere to him.Have a nice holiday!
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-02-25 00:23:51
Please, don't fill my profile with requests, it is already so messy, besides, most of them can't be done automatically, they need reports and there is nothing much I can do this kind of uploads:
Bibi64 @ 2017-02-25 08:45:30
Ok, I understand.I thought they could be done automatically.I was looking on my collection and incidentally I saw on the site those tv series weren't arranged.In time I will look upon myself.Those were all, I don't have any others.The subtitle you show me, I uploaded myself, some time ago when I didn't know how to upload the subtitle of the series, now any time I see some subtitle I try to report.
Bibi64 @ 2017-04-10 20:37:31
Hello and thanks.Do you know to transform the english subtitle ssa in srt?It's better.With subtitle workshop you can transform it.Thank you for the italian subtitle, I will synchronize it for the type of movie I have, with your name on it.The one that you put is Hearing impaired. With subtitle edit you can take off the words between brackets, if you can not, tell me. Thank you again.It's a very amusing film, I will translate it in romanian but I don't know when...
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-05 10:32:10
I uploaded the subtitles for "In ginocchio da te".(Finaly)I hope you are happy for it.I don't know if you have the same copy of the movie, this one was so bad.If you have another better one copy of this movie, please give me the link, I could synchronize it.I think I will do for "Non son degno di te", as I understood you were so happy for this one.It's not perfect, but I think is acceptable, so it will be the second one, too.I'm starting it.All the best.
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-06 21:44:06
Thank you, I am downloading it right now, and after I shall have it, I will syncronize it.But first I must transforme it in avi because the program Subtitle workshop with whom I work accept only this kind of codec.I thank you and I must say I'm happy because I made others happy.Soon it will be ready this and the one that I begun.
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-06 21:49:44
I have seen that you know where to search the movies.One movie which I can not find it anywhere is about the life of Anna Pavlova, a russian classic dancer , the name of the movie is exactly "Anna Pavlova".I found only the russian version but I don't know this language.Do you think you could find the english version somewhere?The IMDB link is :
Thank you anyhow.(There aren't any subtitles)
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-09 20:57:59
Thank you.Soon you will have the synchronized subtitle for the new "In ginocchio da te"
And after that I will finish the other one.Regards.
goodsixties @ 2017-06-27 16:09:38
I have seen that on 6/25 you uploaded the spanish subtitles of An Englishman Abroad previously uploaded by me on 6/24.Can you explain please?
Am I missing something?
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-27 18:12:49
No need to get angry, I thought it was a good action of mine if I eliminate the hearing impaired lines.Not everyone needs them.In fact I met your name near to mine.Besides, if you knew how many subtitles of mine were uploaded on this site, after I uploaded them on, (site that doesn't exist anymore now and on which I worked before knowing of this one...
Anyhow, if it disturb you so much, I will cancel it, one more or less doesn't matter to me, I only want to help.Tell me if you want that I do it.
goodsixties @ 2017-06-27 18:45:23
Thanks for your answer. Anyhow, I would appreciate you eliminating your upload.
Bibi64 @ 2017-06-28 16:31:07
I have done it.
sineintegral @ 2017-07-16 00:19:28
Hello, bibi, can you please remove my subtitles that you posted here: I always post my subs eventually so no need to bring them over from their original forum. Thank you.
sineintegral @ 2017-07-16 00:22:43
Sorry, bibi, I didn't realize this was a different translation. Please disregard my first post. Thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2017-07-16 13:09:17
No problem.
Bibi64 @ 2017-07-16 13:18:48
I looked at your uploaded subtitles.I'm so sorry, if I knew that you were doing "il marito"I would'n't have lost 1 week to translate it, Donnie Brasco wanted it for his friends.I see that you know better than me to translate into english, so I stop here my work on "Il seduttore"(always fron "Donnie Brasco") on which I had written only the 10 minutes.Thank you for your work.
@ 2017-08-21 01:40:36
I fixed common errors for movie Testimony 1988 and uploaded as you requested.Hope it was works fine.
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-21 19:29:48
I leaved you the answer on the page of "Testimony" subtitle.
SmallBrother @ 2017-08-31 13:21:50
Hi Bibi64, thanks for your Dutch subs of the Onedin Line. But please use as release name something that identiefies the video file to be used. An exact release/file name or at least "DVDrip" or so. Only "Onedin line" adds nothing, and it is already as title... So at least "The Onedin Line - 4x03 - Not Wanted on Voyage.DVDRip" or even better th exact video file name. I corrected the first three, can you please do the others?
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-31 14:20:45
Hello, I'm ashamed to admit , but there aren't really my subtitles, I found them on fact I worked on uploading them on "our" side.I will correct them, but only after I see them on the site, I think that will be tomorrow.I wrote to "Simply the boss", not knowing why I can upload the dutch subtitles of the second series.Maybe you take a look.There are only for of them on the site I wrote you about.
By uploading them from that site, each of one on their correct Id I didn't thought the name of the release was neccessary, anyway I will corect them.Thank you.
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-31 15:10:43
I have got the answer of Simply the boss, he says that You should handle them if you have time, I don't know why those episodes can't be uploaded, it says that there are already uploaded, I mean again, from the second series, for example season 2, "A woman alone".Simply the boss says that because of the words"Tvsubtitles", you there thought that it was a spam , but I checked out, it was only at the 10th episode.Anyhow, it's something strange, on their page, for this season the subtitles for certain episodes are double.Scuse me, but I must give you the link, after that you can cancel
SimplyTheBOSS @ 2017-08-31 14:54:39
I sent you email, I also deleted those comments from my profile because of external links.
SmallBrother @ 2017-08-31 16:01:13
Hello Bibi64, see the list of your last (Dutch) uploads:
You see that I corrected three of them (episodes S04E01-03). The others till only have "The Onedin line" as release name.
The release name is important so that others know which video to search, or -if there are more than one subtitles- which one to choose.
It can tak a little bit for you to see them, but usually not one day. Maybe you can already se them now.
If the site says something like "we already have these subtitles as" then that "" is a link. When you click that link, you see the subtitle page and most probably it is a duplicate of the one you are trying to upload.
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-31 19:56:13
Thank you.I have done it, I hope it's ok.
SmallBrother @ 2017-08-31 22:39:25
Yeah, I see you did some corrections on those release names. Thanks. But still, S03E01-13 is still the same... Could you do those too?
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-31 23:10:24
I've done them just now, I have forgot,I thought, I don't know why, that only the fourt series, but it was the third, too.Just now I am downloading the Onedin line, (it will take long), the second series, there is a problem at those subtitles, only when I shal have it entirely I will know what's about, I think there is a mistake...I will write to you if I can not manage.Thank you.
SmallBrother @ 2017-09-01 10:21:57
Yeah, now it's fine, thanks, all Onedins are happy :)
There are more of your (old) uploads without an identifying release name, but never mind, that's too much. But for the future uploads, please include something to identify the synchronisation, so downloaders know what video to search and/or which subtitle to choose, if there is more than one. Thanks 'n' greetz.
Bibi64 @ 2017-09-02 15:36:34
Ok, I will do it.if possible.The big problem is that many movies I have already on my laptop, I have downloaded them one or two years ago, meantime it's possible that they are cancelled on certain sites so I can write only the framerate.Anyhow, for my future uploads I will search if there are yet on the net, if no, I will write only the framerate, maybe it's possible to upload the movies on other sites which I personally don't know.Thank you for all, It still remains the secons series of Onedin, now I am downloaded it, I think there is a problem.Only then the Onedins will be truly happy!
SmallBrother @ 2017-09-02 15:46:44
I think it's not necessary to do all these old ones. Like you said, maybe meanwhile torrents are dead or maybe meanwhile hash codes have been added by the system so that will do the same job (actually even better). I would just leave it as it is and just make sure the future uploads are fine and well-documented.
Bibi64 @ 2017-09-02 23:31:02
That was also my intention, I will do it so.
Bibi64 @ 2017-08-31 23:11:58
And thank you, by the way, I didn't know how could I cope in case of a repeated upload!
Bibi64 @ 2018-01-02 21:07:39
And the link for "La professoressa di scienze naturali", please.
biancoenero @ 2018-01-28 15:25:41
Hi, I need ita subs of these movies: "Ordet" by Dreyer, "The river" by Renoir and "Larmar och gor sig till" by Bergman. If you could upload these, let me know.
Bibi64 @ 2018-01-31 21:39:55
Hello.I don't have them, only if I make them.It needs time to do them, I don't promise you anything yet, because I have many subtitles to do in my native language.Anything, wait, maybe in the future...
eroberter @ 2023-06-29 19:25:01
Hi there,
want to say, this link ( had a poor quality? Or this one ( Both of them in 480p, really acceptable quality :)
But if you wish, I'll look for a real godd (even if not HD) quality, they're too good movies to exist only in 360p youtube quality :)
Best regards!!!
Bibi64 @ 2023-07-17 13:12:49
Both of them are ok, I will try to make subtitles for them, as soon as I can.
eroberter @ 2023-07-18 14:17:18
THX in advance!!!!!