
(GASPS) 00:02:33.695 - 00:02:34.742
(BLOWING) 00:02:34.946 - 00:02:38.120
(GIGGLES) 00:02:42.037 - 00:02:43.380
(GIGGLES) 00:02:43.580 - 00:02:45.253
With the power vested in me by nobody in particular... 00:03:00.847 - 00:03:04.021
I hereby crown you Princess Kuda, ruler of the seven seas. 00:03:04.226 - 00:03:09.448
(GIGGLES) 00:03:13.902 - 00:03:14.949
(SHELLS CLANGING) 00:03:35.757 - 00:03:38.636
(WHISTLING) 00:03:38.844 - 00:03:40.721
Oh, thank you. Thank you, my loyal subjects. 00:03:43.348 - 00:03:47.353
(LUMINA GIGGLES) 00:03:47.561 - 00:03:48.608
Ladies and jellyfish, let us celebrate my coronation... 00:03:48.812 - 00:03:53.113
with a royal ball. 00:03:53.316 - 00:03:55.193
Let joy be unconfined! 00:03:55.902 - 00:03:58.872
May I have this dance, milady? 00:03:59.072 - 00:04:01.791
Charmed, I'm sure. 00:04:01.992 - 00:04:04.620
(CLANGING AND SQUEAKING) 00:04:07.122 - 00:04:09.966
(GIGGLES) 00:04:12.210 - 00:04:14.258
SCYLLA: Lumina? - Aah. 00:04:14.463 - 00:04:16.966
LUMINA: Uh-oh. - Aah! 00:04:17.174 - 00:04:19.142
Lumina? 00:04:28.185 - 00:04:30.608