
[MUSIC PLAYING] 00:00:10.440 - 00:00:11.930
Impact, the force with which two lives come together. 00:01:21.100 - 00:01:26.180
Sometimes for good, sometimes for evil. 00:01:26.180 - 00:01:30.340
[GAVEL KNOCKING] 00:01:30.340 - 00:01:31.820
[INTERPOSING] 00:01:34.780 - 00:01:36.270
But we have our stockholders to answer to... 00:01:41.850 - 00:01:44.820
Phone Mrs. Williams, [INAUDIBLE]. 00:01:44.820 - 00:01:45.950
Tell her to be ready in about an hour and I'll pick her up. 00:01:45.950 - 00:01:48.120
Yes, Mr. Williams. 00:01:48.120 - 00:01:48.820
You phone Sam and and see if those papers on their way over 00:01:48.820 - 00:01:50.890
from the executive. 00:01:50.890 - 00:01:51.590
Yes, Will. 00:01:51.590 - 00:01:53.950
[GAVEL KNOCKING] 00:01:53.950 - 00:01:55.430
Well, Mr. Mr. Darcy, what's the score, nine to nothing? 00:02:00.380 - 00:02:02.650
I'm afraid it is, Walt. 00:02:02.650 - 00:02:03.730
If you think you can persuade them to change their minds 00:02:03.730 - 00:02:05.600
go right ahead. 00:02:05.600 - 00:02:07.330
Gentlemen, I never interfere in stock issues, dividends, 00:02:07.330 - 00:02:10.140
or anything else in your department. 00:02:10.140 - 00:02:11.570
I must run my department with no interference. 00:02:11.570 - 00:02:13.660
Either I know why and when I need more factory space 00:02:13.660 - 00:02:16.740