
Happy Thanksgiving! 00:01:48.241 - 00:01:51.074
Come here! 00:01:53.947 - 00:01:54.936
Yeah! Right here! 00:01:58.618 - 00:01:59.676
Toss me a bird, Bumpy! 00:01:59.786 - 00:02:01.447
Bumpy! 00:02:01.554 - 00:02:02.987
Yeah! Bumpy! We love you! 00:02:04.390 - 00:02:06.255
There you go, darling. 00:02:06.392 - 00:02:07.950
Over here! Over here! 00:02:09.596 - 00:02:11.359
Frank! Come on! 00:02:14.934 - 00:02:16.765
Come here. 00:02:17.303 - 00:02:18.429
This is the problem. This is what's wrong with America. 00:02:31.184 - 00:02:35.416
It's gotten so big, you just can't find your way. 00:02:36.289 - 00:02:39.747
The grocery store on the corner is now a supermarket. 00:02:40.660 - 00:02:44.653
The candy store is a McDonald's. 00:02:44.931 - 00:02:48.094
And this place, a super-fucking discount store. 00:02:49.469 - 00:02:53.132
Where's the pride of ownership, huh? 00:02:53.506 - 00:02:56.441
Where's the personal service? 00:02:57.844 - 00:02:59.641
You see what I mean? Shit. 00:03:06.786 - 00:03:09.448
I mean, what right do they have, of cutting out the suppliers, 00:03:11.958 - 00:03:15.951
pushing out all the middlemen, 00:03:16.329 - 00:03:19.492
buying direct from the manufacturer? 00:03:20.133 - 00:03:23.625