
Let's be clear about this. 00:03:44.091 - 00:03:45.536
We should be focusing on Ending a blood substitute. 00:04:03.443 - 00:04:06.117
We already touched that point. 00:04:06.213 - 00:04:07.283
Vith little or no population remaining to sustain industry, 00:05:34.167 - 00:05:37.205
other third world countries throughout Asia have also been encouraged... 00:05:37.304 - 00:05:40.842
Southbound Express departing Platform C. 00:05:42.542 - 00:05:45.682
AB. 00:05:50.684 - 00:05:51.719
All the material in this meeting is classified. 00:08:34.381 - 00:08:37.692
Commissioner. 00:08:37.751 - 00:08:39.230
Death Row Inmate 4705B was a vampire 00:08:39.819 - 00:08:43.733
selected for a month-long study on the effects of blood deprivation. 00:08:43.823 - 00:08:47.999
What? 00:08:48.061 - 00:08:49.039
A complete lack of human blood over this period of time 00:08:49.095 - 00:08:52.099
resulted in a massive deterioration of the frontal lobe. 00:08:52.198 - 00:08:55.736
The first signs of physical deformities began with elongated ears. 00:08:56.603 - 00:09:00.517
Mental functions such as logic, emotion, 00:09:00.573 - 00:09:03.679
most parts of speech, then terminated much faster 00:09:03.743 - 00:09:07.054
than you or your team originally speculated, Doctors. 00:09:07.113 - 00:09:10.356
Out on the streets, these creatures, these subsiders, 00:09:10.417 - 00:09:13.626
are becoming a real problem. 00:09:13.720 - 00:09:15.791
Gentlemen, we are sianring, 00:09:15.889 - 00:09:17.869