
Downloaded From 00:00:01.000 - 00:00:04.000
-Do you have to? ALLY: Yeah. 00:00:04.053 - 00:00:05.691
There you go. 00:00:05.853 - 00:00:06.842
There you go making everything seem simple. 00:00:07.013 - 00:00:09.527
-If it's the right thing, then do it. -That may empower me. . . 00:00:09.693 - 00:00:13.732
. . .but it won't ease the pain on the other side. 00:00:13.893 - 00:00:16.885
MADDIE: Are you sending me back? 00:00:17.053 - 00:00:19.044
What? 00:00:20.573 - 00:00:21.562
No. 00:00:23.293 - 00:00:24.965
-What are you talking about? -This is just nothing, really. 00:00:25.133 - 00:00:28.921
-If you're not gonna talk-- -It's about work. 00:00:29.093 - 00:00:31.926
-What about work? -Well, I happen to like my colleagues. 00:00:32.093 - 00:00:36.564
Before you, they were like my family. 00:00:37.373 - 00:00:40.729
-And this is a problem? -Yeah, it is now. 00:00:40.893 - 00:00:44.966
Because tomorrow l. . . . 00:00:45.853 - 00:00:48.890
I have to fire one of them. 00:00:49.533 - 00:00:52.650
I've been down this road 00:00:53.453 - 00:00:54.806
Woman 00:00:55.253 - 00:00:58.245
Walking the line That's painted by pride 00:00:58.933 - 00:01:02.084
And I have made mistakes in my life That ljust can 't hide 00:01:02.973 - 00:01:09.287
Oh, I believe I am ready For what love has to bring 00:01:09.813 - 00:01:16.651