
Breathe. 00:01:17.995 - 00:01:19.167
We should never forget how young they were. 00:01:26.837 - 00:01:30.512
My father, Stephan Gold, 00:01:33.093 - 00:01:36.017
was the youngest unit commander in Mossad. 00:01:36.179 - 00:01:38.853
David Peretz had his 29th birthday while on the mission. 00:01:40.183 - 00:01:44.859
When my mother crossed through the checkpoint, 00:01:48.025 - 00:01:50.119
into Soviet-controlled East Berlin, 00:01:50.193 - 00:01:52.537
she was only 25. 00:01:53.572 - 00:01:55.540
They'd had the courage to confront an unimaginable evil. 00:01:58.410 - 00:02:01.789
A man whose sadistic experiments 00:02:03.707 - 00:02:05.926
left thousands disfigured or dead, 00:02:06.209 - 00:02:09.634
who became known by a name which defiles the annals of medicine, 00:02:10.631 - 00:02:15.102
the Surgeon of Birkenau. 00:02:16.261 - 00:02:18.355
Their mission had been to capture him 00:02:21.892 - 00:02:24.771
and return him to Israel to stand trial. 00:02:24.853 - 00:02:27.902
Instead, it ended on the streets of East Berlin. 00:02:30.609 - 00:02:34.455
These three dared to relive Israel's greatest nightmare, 00:02:36.948 - 00:02:41.670
her greatest pain. 00:02:42.579 - 00:02:44.081
And in the simple act of facing the monster, 00:02:45.666 - 00:02:48.419
they helped to vanquish it. 00:02:49.336 - 00:02:51.759
This book is dedicated to my inspiration, 00:02:54.966 - 00:03:00.689