
Hey, what's this, one of Bluto's tricks? 00:00:20.629 - 00:00:24.091
l'm in the wrong movie. 00:00:24.091 - 00:00:26.135
Sweet Sweethaven 00:02:45.314 - 00:02:51.154
God must love us 00:02:51.195 - 00:02:57.201
We the people 00:02:57.285 - 00:03:02.957
Love Sweethaven 00:03:02.957 - 00:03:08.129
Hooray, hooray, Sweethaven 00:03:08.212 - 00:03:14.135
Flags are wavin' 00:03:14.218 - 00:03:19.974
We're people from the sea 00:03:20.015 - 00:03:22.518
Safe from democracy 00:03:22.518 - 00:03:25.521
Sweeter than a melon tree 00:03:25.521 - 00:03:28.315
Put here for you and me 00:03:28.357 - 00:03:30.985
Sweethaven 00:03:34.029 - 00:03:37.408
Sweet Sweethaven 00:03:37.449 - 00:03:43.038
God must love us 00:03:43.080 - 00:03:48.752
We the people 00:03:48.794 - 00:03:53.757
Of Sweethaven 00:03:53.799 - 00:03:58.095
God must have landed here 00:04:14.403 - 00:04:17.406
Why else would he strand us here? 00:04:17.447 - 00:04:20.117
Where the air is nice and clear 00:04:20.158 - 00:04:23.120
Sweethaven even sounds so near 00:04:23.161 - 00:04:25.414