
OK now, see here is a good example of a plant you can't eat. 00:00:00.876 - 00:00:03.988
See all the spikes. 00:00:04.113 - 00:00:05.280
So two things, one it's poisonous, and two, it would hurt. 00:00:05.405 - 00:00:08.440
The Parks department has so many programs. 00:00:08.565 - 00:00:10.633
Jerry is in charge of our pre-teen nature hikes. 00:00:10.758 - 00:00:13.137
For a while, 00:00:13.305 - 00:00:14.338
it was a teenage nature hike, but then we changed it 00:00:14.463 - 00:00:16.950
because a girl got pregnant 00:00:17.075 - 00:00:18.925
Look what we have here. Country honeysuckle, Pawnee-style. 00:00:19.311 - 00:00:23.311
Yeah, take a look at that. It's pretty and it smells good. 00:00:23.772 - 00:00:27.114
- Smells great. - Yeah, it's really nice. 00:00:27.239 - 00:00:29.585
- That's bitter. - You don't eat it. 00:00:32.960 - 00:00:34.840
- Why did you let me eat that? - I never told you. 00:00:34.965 - 00:00:37.119
The animals know you don't eat that. 00:00:37.997 - 00:00:39.867
I'm not an animal. My tongue is swelling up. 00:00:39.992 - 00:00:41.832
No, don't touch... Now you'll have to throw that away. 00:00:42.001 - 00:00:44.669
Let's not scare the kids. 00:00:44.837 - 00:00:46.295
There we go then. 00:00:46.463 - 00:00:47.594
So let's show 'em what other plants we could eat, Jerry. 00:00:47.719 - 00:00:50.091
But I have to say it's a very sweet aftertaste though. 00:00:50.973 - 00:00:54.173
- Feygnasse Team - 00:00:59.269 - 00:01:01.047