
Downloaded From 00:00:01.000 - 00:00:04.000
It's like to walk in the fictional country joking is upside down! 00:00:49.735 - 00:00:53.465
Do you think so then you feel? 00:00:54.045 - 00:00:56.206
Death is like breathing pure oxygen! 00:00:58.249 - 00:01:00.466
A life? 00:01:01.866 - 00:01:03.240
It's like looking for the output, and you're trapped in the wrong house. 00:01:04.065 - 00:01:06.818
How do you know to be able to udahnnes ses air again until you die? 00:01:08.221 - 00:01:11.595
Because I'll be outside my body. 00:01:11.894 - 00:01:13.926
Buoy and I wiill be free. 00:01:15.163 - 00:01:17.011
How do you know? 00:01:17.948 - 00:01:19.083
How do you know that it will not be worse? 00:01:19.662 - 00:01:21.249
I know it will be better than this. 00:01:22.724 - 00:01:24.489
You do not know it, Nancy! 00:01:26.037 - 00:01:27.626
What if death, as you say, is leaving your body but not your soul? 00:01:30.164 - 00:01:34.120
What if you stay stuck in your soul? 00:01:34.906 - 00:01:36.598
What then? 00:01:37.350 - 00:01:38.773
Then I was free andd I will be free! 00:01:39.331 - 00:01:41.827
If you can release there, why not get rid of here? 00:01:43.259 - 00:01:45.402
Liberating Nancy 00:01:46.260 - 00:01:48.415
Hello? 00:02:35.546 - 00:02:36.904
Baltimmore? 00:03:50.769 - 00:03:52.464