
In closing my lecture on interstitial lamellae remodeling, 00:00:05.533 - 00:00:08.525
I'd like to address some issues that are not strictly confined to forensic anthropology. 00:00:08.613 - 00:00:12.242
If it's all right with my host, Dr. Wexler? 00:00:13.693 - 00:00:16.810
I should think that all but the most joyless wonks, 00:00:16.893 - 00:00:19.009
and, yes, I do refer to you, Cyril Bibby, 00:00:19.093 - 00:00:20.731
would embrace a diversion from Haversian systems. 00:00:20.813 - 00:00:23.964
My partner, FBI Special Agent Seeley Booth, 00:00:24.053 - 00:00:27.090
gave his lecture at Scotland Yard last night. 00:00:27.173 - 00:00:29.164
Agent Booth, could you please stand up? 00:00:29.253 - 00:00:31.448
- Hey, Booth! - Yeah? I'm here. What's up? 00:00:33.253 - 00:00:36.325
Agent Booth is the intuitive humanist while I am the logical empiricist. 00:00:36.413 - 00:00:40.964
Although recently I have seen how destructive pure logic can be. 00:00:41.053 - 00:00:45.444
My own assistant, the most brilliant young man I have ever met... 00:00:46.573 - 00:00:50.407
Ended up a sidekick to a cannibalistic serial killer. 00:00:50.493 - 00:00:53.610
I haven't invited you to join me, Booth, so you can take your seat. 00:00:53.693 - 00:00:56.730
What I've learned from Agent Booth 00:00:57.893 - 00:00:59.565
is that we scientists must arm ourselves with something other than pure logic. 00:00:59.653 - 00:01:04.408
A quality which deflects us from an irrational enamoration for the rational. 00:01:04.493 - 00:01:08.008
Exactly. 00:01:08.093 - 00:01:09.242
How old is that guy? 00:01:13.013 - 00:01:14.366
What, lan? He's a year younger than I am. And almost as brilliant. 00:01:14.453 - 00:01:18.162