
{\an1}{\pos(30,230)}字幕來源:網絡 00:00:05.000 - 00:00:10.000
{\an1}{\pos(30,230)}后期:Lee. 00:00:10.000 - 00:00:15.000
在人類生活的地方之上 有一個很偏遠的古老王國 Far beyond the world we humans know, there is a remote and ancient kingdom. 00:01:16.010 - 00:01:22.300
在我們大多數人看來 這像是一個極度寒冷的荒地 To most of us, it seems a frozen wasteland. 00:01:22.520 - 00:01:26.090
但對于那些懂得如何在這 But to creatures designed 00:01:27.190 - 00:01:28.650
可怕的溫度下生存的動物們來說 for astonishing cold, 00:01:28.650 - 00:01:30.230
這里一直是他們的天堂 it's always been a paradise on Earth. 00:01:30.330 - 00:01:33.470
一個小生命剛剛誕生了 深深地依偎在雪堆里 Snuggled deep in this protective ice, one little life is just beginning. 00:01:41.870 - 00:01:47.910
她整整一個星期都生活在暗處 For weeks she's lived in darkness. 00:01:49.210 - 00:01:52.100
注視著頭頂上方的 那一圈亮光 Staring at the circle of light above her. 00:01:52.580 - 00:01:56.070
上面有什么呢 What lies beyond it? 00:01:59.150 - 00:02:01.150
在好奇心的驅使下 她第一次向光亮爬去 Curiosity leads her to peek into the light for the first time. 00:02:07.130 - 00:02:12.310
"納努" 她是一只小北極熊 'Nanu,' she might be called in the north. 'Little polar bear.' 00:02:18.770 - 00:02:23.960
外面的世界盡是白茫茫的一片 The world outside is a blanket of white unfolding before her. 00:02:25.780 - 00:02:30.910
這是一個有別于地球上其他任何地方的宏偉之地 lt is a majestic place unlike any other on Earth. 00:02:31.550 - 00:02:34.890
一個立于我們世界之頂的浩瀚王國 A vast kingdom at the very top of our world. 00:02:34.990 - 00:02:38.760
一個覆蓋著冰雪的王國 A kingdom of ice. 00:02:49.240 - 00:02:51.300
還有另外一個小生命開始了探索這個世界的旅程 There's another youngster exploring for the first time. 00:02:56.280 - 00:03:00.220
她看見了蔚藍的冰川世界 She sees a blue world of ice water. 00:03:00.320 - 00:03:03.290
澤拉是一只海象寶寶 在一個小時之前剛剛出生 Seela is a walrus pup, only hours old, 00:03:07.560 - 00:03:11.720
跟那只北極熊寶寶一樣 熱切地想要探索她身邊的事物 but like the young bear, eager to discover the world around her. 00:03:14.700 - 00:03:20.050