
禁卫军,皇家军礼 Guard, royal salute. 00:00:16.833 - 00:00:19.001
举枪致敬! Present arms! 00:00:19.336 - 00:00:21.337
1819年,一个婴儿在伦敦的皇宫降生 00:00:34.940 - 00:00:36.910
两个皇叔,英国国王和比利时国王,都试图控制她 但她注定成为一代女王,统治一个伟大的王朝 00:00:37.025 - 00:00:45.830
除非她被迫放弃权力,签署摄政令 00:00:46.873 - 00:00:52.086
摄政王的任命是为了代替 暂时缺位、丧失能力的君主行使皇权 00:00:54.171 - 00:00:59.384
或者君主尚年幼 00:01:00.426 - 00:01:02.511
有些人天生比别人出身高贵 Some people are born more fortunate than others. 00:01:06.800 - 00:01:10.469
如同我一样 Such was the case with me. 00:01:10.553 - 00:01:13.263
孩提时代的我却不这么认为 But as a child, I was convinced of quite the opposite. 00:01:13.348 - 00:01:17.184
哪个小女孩不梦想如公主一样成长 What little girl does not dream of growing up as a princess? 00:01:18.770 - 00:01:23.774
但某些宫殿并非如你所想 But some palaces are not at all what you'd think. 00:01:24.776 - 00:01:28.362
就算是宫殿,也有可能成为牢房 Even a palace can be a prison. 00:01:29.197 - 00:01:32.908
母亲从未解释过,为何让仆人在我进食前试食 Mama never explained why she would have someone taste my food, 00:01:37.747 - 00:01:41.291
为何不能和其他孩子一起进学校 why I couldn't attend school with other children, 00:01:41.376 - 00:01:43.836
不能读通俗读物 or read popular books. 00:01:43.920 - 00:01:45.796
父亲过世之后, 母亲和她的顾问约翰·康罗伊爵士制定了规矩 When my father died, Mama and her adviser Sir John Conroy created rules. 00:01:54.264 - 00:02:00.102
他说这都是为了保护我 He said they were for my protection. 00:02:00.186 - 00:02:02.855
还起了个名字叫肯辛顿制度 And he called it the Kensington System. 00:02:02.939 - 00:02:05.774
我不能在没有母亲的陪伴下独自睡 I could not sleep in a room without Mama, 00:02:06.359 - 00:02:08.569
甚至下楼也需有一个成人牵手护着 or even walk downstairs without holding the hand of an adult. 00:02:08.653 - 00:02:11.947