
我的名字叫查尔斯 布朗森 My name is Charles Bronson. 00:00:33.630 - 00:00:35.530
我的毕生夙愿就是成名 And all my life I wanted to be famous. 00:00:37.480 - 00:00:40.440
我知道我生来就是为了成功 I knew I was made for better things 00:00:52.340 - 00:00:55.000
我肩负使命 I had a calling. 00:00:58.700 - 00:00:59.920
只是还不知道是什么 I just didn't know... what it is. 00:01:03.140 - 00:01:06.020
不是当歌星 Wasn't singing 00:01:09.870 - 00:01:10.860
我唱歌不着调 ...I can't fucking hit... 00:01:14.250 - 00:01:15.760
好像真没什么可选的了 不是吗 Kinda running out of choices really... aren't we? 00:01:18.200 - 00:01:22.500
这里没有救赎 There's no help, no... 00:02:10.000 - 00:02:14.000
布朗森 00:03:52.590 - 00:04:08.160
本片根据真实故事改编 00:04:14.340 - 00:04:18.100
还能怎么说呢 How else can I explain it? 00:04:21.000 - 00:04:23.930
我的成长环境跟普通人一样 我的父母是正派人 There was nothing wonky about my upbringing, my parents were decent... 00:04:30.850 - 00:04:35.330
受人尊敬 享有社会地位 respectable and upstanding members of society. 00:04:35.910 - 00:04:39.420
我乖乖上学 做人低调 I went to school. I kept my head down. 00:04:41.030 - 00:04:44.330
和大多数孩子一样我也会惹麻烦 Sure like most kids I'm going to trouble. 00:04:45.250 - 00:04:47.860
你个混蛋 Bastard! 00:04:49.050 - 00:04:50.210
但我乐此不疲 I loved to... 00:04:51.040 - 00:04:52.310
哦 迈克尔 Oh Michael!? 00:05:10.580 - 00:05:11.750
彼得森夫人 我真的得和你谈谈了 Mrs. Peterson I really must talk to you about... 00:05:12.480 - 00:05:14.710
但我不是坏 But I wasn't bad. 00:05:16.720 - 00:05:17.950