
Wake up. We're at Bar Street. 00:02:48.183 - 00:02:53.767
25 RMB. 00:02:55.975 - 00:02:57.600
You're exhausled and still drinking 00:02:57.850 - 00:03:02.058
What a warrior! 00:03:02.058 - 00:03:05.017
Thanks. 00:03:05.600 - 00:03:06.683
By the way. 00:03:06.683 - 00:03:09.183
Want to sleep in my car? I'm in no rush. 00:03:09.808 - 00:03:14.933
Where is Wu Bar please? 00:03:29.683 - 00:03:31.558
You're going to Wu Bar? 00:03:31.558 - 00:03:33.225
Turn right 00:03:33.225 - 00:03:34.683
at the intersection 00:03:34.683 - 00:03:36.600
Where are you? 00:03:40.475 - 00:03:41.392
I'm here. 00:03:41.392 - 00:03:42.433
Why don't I see you? 00:03:42.433 - 00:03:45.100
I'm at Bar Street. 00:03:45.350 - 00:03:47.183
I warn you, don't be late again. 00:03:47.183 - 00:03:48.600
Can't you be nice? 00:03:48.600 - 00:03:50.350
Today's meeting is important. 00:03:50.350 - 00:03:52.392
Why can't we talk at home? 00:03:52.392 - 00:03:54.850
You haven't been home in 6 months. 00:03:55.808 - 00:03:57.808
I've booked Room 7. 00:04:22.433 - 00:04:25.683