
11:55. Almost midnight. 00:00:49.000 - 00:00:54.090
Enough time for one more story. 00:00:54.130 - 00:00:57.720
One more story before 12:00... 00:00:57.760 - 00:01:02.760
just to keep us warm. 00:01:02.800 - 00:01:05.240
In five minutes, it will be the 21st of April. 00:01:06.940 - 00:01:13.210
One hundred years ago, on the 21st of April... 00:01:13.250 - 00:01:18.480
out on the waters around Spivey Point... 00:01:18.520 - 00:01:22.420
a small clipper ship drew toward land. 00:01:22.460 - 00:01:27.190
Suddenly, out of the night, the fog rolled in. 00:01:27.230 - 00:01:31.930
For a moment, they could see nothing... 00:01:31.970 - 00:01:34.940
not a foot ahead of them. 00:01:34.970 - 00:01:37.440
Then they saw a light. 00:01:37.470 - 00:01:41.170
By God, it was a fire burning on the shore... 00:01:41.210 - 00:01:46.670
strong enough to penetrate the swirling mist. 00:01:46.720 - 00:01:51.240
They steered a course toward the light... 00:01:51.290 - 00:01:55.730
but it was a campfire like this one. 00:01:55.760 - 00:01:59.960
The ship crashed against the rocks. 00:02:00.000 - 00:02:04.400
The hull sheared in two. 00:02:04.440 - 00:02:06.730
The mast snapped like a twig... 00:02:06.770 - 00:02:09.740
and the wreckage sank with all the men aboard. 00:02:09.770 - 00:02:14.770
At the bottom of the sea... 00:02:16.280 - 00:02:18.410