
So I can call up tomorrow, can I? 00:00:51.532 - 00:00:53.743
Pearl. 00:01:36.056 - 00:01:36.909
Yes, Miss Gibson. 00:01:41.194 - 00:01:43.030
I'm going out for some air. 00:01:43.789 - 00:01:45.157
Shall I phone the garage? ─ No. I'll take a taxi. 00:01:45.927 - 00:01:49.376
Oh, that artist called again. He said he had a message for you. 00:01:49.887 - 00:01:53.459
A message for me? 00:01:53.890 - 00:01:55.042
From Paris? 00:01:56.309 - 00:01:57.131
I don't know. I told him to call tomorrow. 00:01:57.541 - 00:01:59.880
And what did he say? ─ Ha .. he laughed. 00:02:00.417 - 00:02:03.146
Laughed? 00:02:05.027 - 00:02:05.951
Well, I'll be back before Mr Gibson gets home. 00:02:08.934 - 00:02:10.955
Yes, Mrs Gibson. 00:02:11.257 - 00:02:12.330
Any place in particular, lady? 00:03:29.670 - 00:03:31.223
No .. just drive around. 00:03:32.486 - 00:03:34.621
Oh look, I tell you what. 00:03:38.891 - 00:03:40.193
Drive over to 5th Avenue and down. 00:03:41.170 - 00:03:43.176
And I'll tell you when to stop. 00:03:43.756 - 00:03:45.226
Always write a letter. 00:03:49.327 - 00:03:50.946
The same Mrs Gibson. 00:03:53.612 - 00:03:55.068
A lovely evening, isn't it? 00:03:56.946 - 00:03:58.452