
So I'm on line at the supermarket. 00:00:01.500 - 00:00:03.894
Two women in front of me. 00:00:06.192 - 00:00:07.543
One of them, her total was $8. The other, $3. 00:00:08.173 - 00:00:12.131
They both, of course, choose to pay by the use of the check. 00:00:13.595 - 00:00:17.032
Fact is, if it is a woman in front of you that's writing out the check... 00:00:19.330 - 00:00:22.662
you'll not be waiting long. 00:00:22.770 - 00:00:24.434
I have noticed that women are very fast with checks. 00:00:24.439 - 00:00:26.833
You know, because they write out so many checks. 00:00:26.941 - 00:00:29.961
The keys, they can never find. They don't know where that is. 00:00:30.069 - 00:00:33.089
But the checkbook, they got that. 00:00:34.553 - 00:00:36.842
They never fumble for the checkbook. 00:00:36.951 - 00:00:38.615
The checkbook comes out of a holster. 00:00:38.619 - 00:00:40.387
"Who do I make it out to? 00:00:40.392 - 00:00:42.577
There's my ID." 00:00:44.875 - 00:00:46.852
There's something about a check, that, to a man, is not masculine. 00:00:54.572 - 00:00:58.217
I don't know exactly what it is. I think, to a man... 00:00:58.326 - 00:01:01.345
a check is like a note from your mother. 00:01:01.349 - 00:01:03.430
"I don't have any money, but if you'll contact these people... 00:01:03.539 - 00:01:06.454
l'm sure they'll stick up for me. If you could just trust me this one time. 00:01:07.293 - 00:01:11.042
I don't have any money, but I have these. 00:01:11.150 - 00:01:13.753
I wrote on these. 00:01:14.904 - 00:01:16.985