
《畸變》上季回顧 Last season on "Freakish"... 00:00:03.130 - 00:00:04.760
化工廠真著火了 The chemical plant's on fire! 00:00:04.780 - 00:00:06.170
我們必須待在室內 把窗都關好 We have to stay inside, keep the windows closed 00:00:09.940 - 00:00:11.810
我們不能吸入那些空氣 and we cannot breathe that air. 00:00:11.820 - 00:00:13.310
不不不 你不能到外面去 No, no, no, no. You can't go out in that. 00:00:13.310 - 00:00:14.760
-讓開 -大家不要啊 - Move out of the way. - People, no. 00:00:14.760 - 00:00:16.750
這些一點用都沒有 These are all useless. 00:00:18.660 - 00:00:19.690
除了這一個 All of them except this one. 00:00:19.690 - 00:00:21.060
只有一個人能出去 So only one of us can leave. 00:00:21.260 - 00:00:23.240
首要目標是去消防站 The primary goal is to get to the fire station. 00:00:23.910 - 00:00:25.980
-如果還在的話 -好運 夥計 - If it's still there. - Good luck, man. 00:00:25.980 - 00:00:27.870
行動吧 Let's do it. 00:00:27.870 - 00:00:28.780
約翰·柯林斯 救災和災後重建 John Collins, Rescue and Recovery. 00:00:31.760 - 00:00:33.980
再在這裏待20分鐘 20 more minutes in this place. 00:00:33.990 - 00:00:35.480
我們有疫苗 只會疼一下 We have a vaccine. Just a pinch. 00:00:35.480 - 00:00:37.630
好的 Okay. 00:00:37.630 - 00:00:38.400
證明他不是政府的人的證據 Proof he's not with the government. 00:00:40.600 - 00:00:42.090
{\pos(54.595,131.728)}凱勒化工廠 柯林斯 約翰 00:00:42.840 - 00:00:44.260
柯林斯是凱勒的人 Collins works for Keller? 00:00:42.840 - 00:00:44.190
那不是疫苗 而是毒藥 It's not a vaccine. It's a poison. 00:00:44.340 - 00:00:46.560
他是來殺我們的 He's here to kill us. 00:00:46.560 - 00:00:48.020