
Provided by explosiveskull 00:00:27.363 - 00:00:32.363
Mm. 00:01:39.650 - 00:01:41.108
Alert, biodome breach. 00:03:11.817 - 00:03:13.858
Alert, biodome breach. 00:03:13.942 - 00:03:16.692
Dr. Andrews, did you see that? 00:03:19.192 - 00:03:21.525
The habitat's not gonna hold much longer. 00:03:21.608 - 00:03:23.775
We need to start thinking about off-site solutions. 00:03:23.858 - 00:03:26.192
The island is the one thing that's kept him isolated. 00:03:26.275 - 00:03:28.733
If he leaves, Godzilla will come for him. 00:03:28.817 - 00:03:30.817
There can't be two alpha Titans. 00:03:30.900 - 00:03:33.317
The whole theory of an ancient rivalry 00:03:33.400 - 00:03:35.275
stems from Iwi mythology. 00:03:35.358 - 00:03:36.817
He's gotten too big over time. 00:03:36.900 - 00:03:38.192
This environment won't sustain much longer. 00:03:38.275 - 00:03:40.067
It's too unstable. 00:03:40.150 - 00:03:41.608
Hey. 00:03:44.817 - 00:03:46.192
Off-site would be a death sentence. 00:03:58.733 - 00:04:00.900
You don't think the King could take care of himself? 00:04:00.983 - 00:04:04.233
There has to be another way. 00:04:04.317 - 00:04:06.358
Finding the origin of these creatures 00:04:15.025 - 00:04:16.942
is essential to mankind's survival. 00:04:17.025 - 00:04:20.983