
Pancakes, pancakes, pancakes! 00:00:02.020 - 00:00:03.380
Social services, please. 00:00:03.380 - 00:00:04.660
They came just after we spoke and they had already 00:00:04.660 - 00:00:07.220
been to the school to get the girls. 00:00:07.220 - 00:00:08.820
Why can't we come home? 00:00:08.820 - 00:00:10.660
Three kilograms of best Colombian. 00:00:10.660 - 00:00:13.260
120,000, bank transfer, it's fine. 00:00:13.260 - 00:00:15.540
Give me the phone! "Are you still with her?" I'm sorry, Faith. 00:00:15.540 - 00:00:18.260
You tell me now. I'm sorry. 00:00:18.260 - 00:00:19.660
You ship my product. 00:00:19.660 - 00:00:21.940
You get to be the knight in shining armour. 00:00:21.940 - 00:00:24.460
At the bottom of this letter are details of a bank account. 00:00:24.460 - 00:00:27.020
The money in it is the proceeds of crime. 00:00:27.020 - 00:00:29.820
Take this letter to an outside police force as soon as you can. 00:00:29.820 - 00:00:33.180
I'm arresting for murder. 00:00:33.180 - 00:00:35.000
There's been an accident. They just... They shot off the road. 00:00:37.020 - 00:00:40.600
You weren't here. 00:00:42.460 - 00:00:43.700
I'm afraid I have to arrest you 00:00:43.700 - 00:00:45.460
for fleeing the scene of a fatal accident. Sorry. 00:00:45.460 - 00:00:47.620
What have I got to do with it? 00:00:47.620 - 00:00:48.820
What are you doing here? You were driving the car 00:00:48.844 - 00:00:51.060