
[Tripitaka's mother] I have walked from the North Water. 00:00:11.040 - 00:00:13.160
Our village was invaded. 00:00:13.880 - 00:00:15.600
I have nowhere to go and little hope left. 00:00:17.360 - 00:00:20.480
[sighs] 00:00:26.880 - 00:00:28.080
[Raxion] "She is pure of heart and brave as the wind. 00:00:33.880 - 00:00:36.600
I entrust her to you. 00:00:38.040 - 00:00:39.400
Please take care of my baby. 00:00:41.320 - 00:00:42.760
She is quiet and never cries." 00:00:43.440 - 00:00:46.320
-I can find them. -[Davari] Uh... 00:00:52.520 - 00:00:54.160
No. 00:00:55.200 - 00:00:56.240
We all have our talents, Raxion. 00:00:57.240 - 00:00:59.520
There's another more suited to this task. 00:01:00.800 - 00:01:03.400
-Of course. -Mmm. 00:01:04.160 - 00:01:06.040
[Sandy] Tripitaka. 00:01:11.600 - 00:01:12.640
Gone. Just the letter. 00:01:14.240 - 00:01:15.760
What do you mean, gone? 00:01:17.400 - 00:01:18.800
[grunts] 00:01:20.320 - 00:01:21.320
Gone where, and for how long? 00:01:22.080 - 00:01:23.840
It doesn't say. 00:01:23.920 - 00:01:24.920
Let me read that. 00:01:25.480 - 00:01:26.800
"I can no longer be part of this quest. 00:01:30.680 - 00:01:32.840