
When I was a kid, my mother told me that I was a little piece of blue sky... 00:00:44.790 - 00:00:48.960
that came into this world because she and Dad loved me so much. 00:00:49.130 - 00:00:53.800
It was only later that I realized that it wasn't exactly true. 00:00:56.130 - 00:00:59.800
Most babies are coincidences. 00:01:04.310 - 00:01:07.310
I mean, up in space you got all these souls flying around... 00:01:07.480 - 00:01:10.400
looking for bodies to live in. 00:01:10.570 - 00:01:12.610
Then, down here on Earth, two people have sex or whatever... 00:01:12.780 - 00:01:16.450
and bam, coincidence. 00:01:16.610 - 00:01:19.700
Sure, you hear all these stories about how everyone plans these perfect families... 00:01:23.410 - 00:01:28.670
but the truth is that most babies... 00:01:28.830 - 00:01:30.670
are products of drunken evenings and lack of birth control. 00:01:30.840 - 00:01:34.510
They're accidents. 00:01:36.470 - 00:01:38.340
Only people who have trouble making babies actually plan for them. 00:01:38.720 - 00:01:43.350
I, on the other hand, am not a coincidence. 00:01:50.150 - 00:01:54.020
I was engineered. 00:01:56.190 - 00:01:58.110
Born for a particular reason. 00:01:58.530 - 00:02:01.200
A scientist hooked up my mother's eggs and my father's sperm... 00:02:03.620 - 00:02:06.910
to make a specific combination of genes. 00:02:07.080 - 00:02:10.420
He did it to save my sister's life. 00:02:12.040 - 00:02:14.710
Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if Kate had been healthy. 00:02:19.380 - 00:02:23.300
I'd probably still be up in heaven Or wherever... 00:02:24.600 - 00:02:26.930