
00:00:04.438 - 00:00:07.206
00:00:07.308 - 00:00:14.446
- what's the *bleep*? 00:00:14.548 - 00:00:16.015
The mouse chewed right straight through my bowstring. 00:00:16.117 - 00:00:18.417
- My hope of having 00:00:18.519 - 00:00:20.686
a good deer hunting spot are crushed. 00:00:20.788 - 00:00:23.155
- if I can't bring a fixed blade with me, 00:00:24.959 - 00:00:27.159
cause I chose the multitool then I just have to forge one. 00:00:27.261 - 00:00:30.329
It's almost done. 00:00:30.431 - 00:00:31.697
- I'm just gonna sit for a second. 00:00:31.799 - 00:00:34.566
I am so dizzy and nauseous. 00:00:34.668 - 00:00:36.735
I am afraid that I poisoned myself. 00:00:36.837 - 00:00:39.872
- This is jordan. I am officially tapping out. 00:00:39.974 - 00:00:43.008
I find myself continuingly thinking of my daughter, 00:00:43.110 - 00:00:46.678
but the difference is, at home, 00:00:46.781 - 00:00:48.781
I can look into the eyes of my wife, 00:00:48.883 - 00:00:50.749
I can look into the eyes of my son. 00:00:50.851 - 00:00:52.584
And I see a part of her there, 00:00:52.686 - 00:00:53.886
and that soothes me and that comforts me, 00:00:53.988 - 00:00:56.555
and I don't have that here. 00:00:56.657 - 00:00:57.456
00:00:57.558 - 00:01:00.192