
Synchronized swimming... dumbest sport ever. 00:00:02.492 - 00:00:05.460
I'm 6:00 a.m., and I'm sitting on a cold bleacher, 00:00:05.495 - 00:00:07.729
watching Taylor's feet flail two inches above the water. 00:00:07.797 - 00:00:10.264
My back is sweating, 00:00:10.350 - 00:00:12.100
and the humidity in here just Def Leppard'd my hair. 00:00:12.152 - 00:00:14.585
Go, April! Excellent crane position! 00:00:14.671 - 00:00:17.338
Go, Taylor! 00:00:18.842 - 00:00:20.174
Way to hold your breath underwater! 00:00:20.226 - 00:00:22.226
Who are you yelling at? 00:00:22.312 - 00:00:23.444
Uh... I thought you. 00:00:23.496 - 00:00:26.414
Well, my team just finished at the other end of the pool. 00:00:26.466 - 00:00:28.333
Well, then whose feet 00:00:28.418 - 00:00:29.584
have I been watching for the last half-hour? 00:00:29.636 - 00:00:31.903
Could be anyone. 00:00:31.988 - 00:00:33.021
Oh. 00:00:33.106 - 00:00:34.022
I was thinking, 00:00:34.107 - 00:00:35.189
synchronized swimming is not my... 00:00:35.241 - 00:00:36.658
You're quitting? 00:00:36.743 - 00:00:38.126
Well... I know you bought me this one-piece, 00:00:38.211 - 00:00:40.261
and we can't return it because we ripped out the sani-strip... 00:00:40.296 - 00:00:42.647
I'm so happy you're quitting! 00:00:42.732 - 00:00:44.232