
[gentle music] 00:00:05.233 - 00:00:07.465
[birds chirping] 00:00:07.467 - 00:00:09.466
♪ ♪ 00:00:09.467 - 00:00:16.032
[slow dramatic music] 00:00:16.033 - 00:00:19.032
♪ ♪ 00:00:19.033 - 00:00:24.867
[wind whistling] 00:00:26.833 - 00:00:29.266
[music rises] 00:00:29.267 - 00:00:32.266
♪ ♪ 00:00:32.267 - 00:00:38.932
[screams] 00:00:38.933 - 00:00:40.966
♪ ♪ 00:00:40.967 - 00:00:47.767
[cheers and applause] 00:00:57.999 - 00:01:00.531
I'm gonna remember this moment 00:01:01.020 - 00:01:02.686
for the rest of my life. 00:01:02.687 - 00:01:05.886
We just watched history in the making. 00:01:05.887 - 00:01:08.953
[vocalizing] 00:01:08.954 - 00:01:10.486
♪ ♪ 00:01:10.487 - 00:01:13.253
You guys blew us all away! 00:01:13.254 - 00:01:17.286
♪ ♪ 00:01:17.287 - 00:01:18.753
[groaning] [cheers and applause] 00:01:18.754 - 00:01:21.686
[screaming] 00:01:21.687 - 00:01:24.320
[wheels squeaking] 00:01:28.620 - 00:01:31.087