
At the time of release 00:00:01.710 - 00:00:03.585
this film was certified 15 00:00:03.670 - 00:00:05.546
by the Board of Classification 00:00:05.630 - 00:00:07.715
due to "scenes of severe violence, 00:00:07.799 - 00:00:09.675
"making it unsuitable for those 00:00:09.759 - 00:00:12.094
"ofjunior high school age and under", 00:00:12.178 - 00:00:15.889
so under 15s were not allowed to see it. 00:00:15.974 - 00:00:19.351
For home viewing, we advise discretion 00:00:21.187 - 00:00:23.689
of parents or a guardian as to those 00:00:23.773 - 00:00:25.858
in your household who can view this film. 00:00:25.942 - 00:00:28.318
BATTLE ROYALE SPEClAL EDlTlON 2001 00:00:30.113 - 00:00:34.992
At the dawn of the millennium, the nation collapsed. 00:01:06.399 - 00:01:11.445
At 15% unemployment, 10 million were out ofwork. 00:01:11.529 - 00:01:17.576
800,000 students boycotted school and juvenile crime rates soared. 00:01:17.660 - 00:01:24.041
Adults had lost all confidence, and now fearing the youth 00:01:24.125 - 00:01:28.128
they eventually passed the Millennium Educational Reform Act. 00:01:28.213 - 00:01:32.674
AKA: the BR Act. 00:01:34.260 - 00:01:37.554
This year Zentsuji Middle School's Class E was chosen 00:01:41.851 - 00:01:46.480
from among 43,000 9th grade classes. 00:01:46.564 - 00:01:49.983
This year's game was even more blistering than the last. 00:01:50.068 - 00:01:54.321
Look, there she is! 00:01:54.405 - 00:01:57.032