
- I'm not calling her again. - I wouldn't. 00:01:19.869 - 00:01:22.031
What could I have possibly done wrong this time ? 00:01:22.156 - 00:01:24.138
- You won't know unless you call. - So you think I should call ? 00:01:24.263 - 00:01:26.673
- If you want to know what you did wrong. - All right, I'll call. 00:01:26.798 - 00:01:29.676
I'm not calling because I didn't do anything. 00:01:29.801 - 00:01:32.646
- Good for you, taking a stand, - a stand against what ? 00:01:32.771 - 00:01:35.417
A stand against women who get mad at us when we haven't even done anything. 00:01:35.542 - 00:01:38.509
-When have you had that, turtle ? -I've had everything you've had. 00:01:38.634 - 00:01:41.195
Jamie mad at you about something ? 00:01:41.320 - 00:01:42.852
No, but she did get weird when I told her 00:01:43.020 - 00:01:44.870
About the sorority girls rolling around in my underwear. 00:01:44.995 - 00:01:47.267
- What did she say ? - Nothing much. 00:01:47.392 - 00:01:49.066
Just that she's driving me to school from now on. 00:01:49.191 - 00:01:51.198
- Ooh, that make you nervous ? - No, why should it ? 00:01:51.323 - 00:01:53.406
Maybe'cause you're still thinking about that one girl. 00:01:53.531 - 00:01:55.669
- Thinking about her ? - Yeah, like you want to bang her. 00:01:55.794 - 00:01:58.405
Stop. I have a girlfriend. 00:01:58.530 - 00:02:00.340
Oh, so you don't want to bang her ? 00:02:00.465 - 00:02:02.110
I don't even want to thi about banging her'cause I have a girlfriend. 00:02:02.235 - 00:02:04.812
Good for you, turtle. 00:02:04.937 - 00:02:06.613
Why, you think I should bang her ? 00:02:06.738 - 00:02:08.339