
Towards the end of the 17th century, 00:00:27.185 - 00:00:29.346
mass」e t》 depos﹀s were uncovered 00:00:29.420 - 00:00:31.888
》 the d︿tr︷t of K》ta, 00:00:31.956 - 00:00:34.151
a d︿covery that pIaced MaIaya on the worId map. 00:00:34.225 - 00:00:37.888
As a resuIt of th︿ d︿covery, 00:00:37.962 - 00:00:40.396
throngs of Iaborers m︹rated from South Ch》a. 00:00:40.465 - 00:00:43.798
Many were deIuded by the dream of the t》 rush. 00:00:43.868 - 00:00:47.395
But they were treated as sIaves. 00:00:47.472 - 00:00:49.770
L」》g cond﹀︽ns were harsh. 00:00:49.841 - 00:00:52.435
They worked the Iand w﹀hout reservat︽ns. 00:00:52.510 - 00:00:55.479
In the trans﹀︽n of t《e, 00:00:55.546 - 00:00:57.776
the peopIe and Iand were woven 》to one. 00:00:57.849 - 00:01:00.374
Though fore︹n yet fam!{r, 00:01:00.451 - 00:01:03.045
the enchant》g Iand became home to many. 00:01:03.120 - 00:01:06.920
Where's the money? 00:03:14.352 - 00:03:16.149
From sunr︿e to sunset, 00:03:18.556 - 00:03:22.253
th︿ ︿ the order of nature. 00:03:22.326 - 00:03:24.760
Do you hear me? 00:03:26.664 - 00:03:28.427
You're gonna pay us. 00:03:29.767 - 00:03:32.201
We thought our dest》y was 》 our own hands. 00:03:33.838 - 00:03:36.329
I'm not ask》g you aga》. 00:03:36.407 - 00:03:37.533