
PANAlYUR LAKE, 40 KMS AWAY FROM PONDlCHERRY 00:02:37.000 - 00:02:39.400
*My life... my life... 00:04:34.000 - 00:04:35.560
*l'm waiting for you on the *bank of the river. 00:04:37.000 - 00:04:39.400
*Though fresh water is being, *splashed on my face, 00:04:41.000 - 00:04:44.000
*Yet l'm sweating profusely. 00:04:46.000 - 00:04:47.800
*l was a raging fire. 00:05:02.000 - 00:05:03.560
*l'm still radiating heat even *after the fire is put out.. 00:05:06.000 - 00:05:08.999
*You spread over me like *the sheet of dew. 00:05:09.000 - 00:05:11.400
*Time will turn into an enemy and *moments will become eons. 00:05:16.000 - 00:05:19.000
*You came closer and *then just vanished. 00:05:23.000 - 00:05:25.400
*l'm breathless, 00:06:22.000 - 00:06:23.560
*l'm swimming in your breath. 00:06:25.000 - 00:06:26.800
*Maiden, come & kiss me. 00:06:29.000 - 00:06:30.560
*lt is taking me into a new world. *Dreams are teasing me. 00:06:36.000 - 00:06:39.000
*Show me girl, which is real *and which is a dream. 00:06:43.000 - 00:06:46.000
*Who else will my hands search *other than you? 00:06:50.000 - 00:06:52.400
*Don't leave mel *l'll lose myself. 00:06:57.000 - 00:06:59.400
*Night has surrounded me. 00:07:42.000 - 00:07:43.800
*lt's slowly engulfing me. 00:07:45.000 - 00:07:46.800
*Oh my maiden, come to me, *l'm searching my dawn in you. 00:07:49.000 - 00:07:52.000
*lt's death that stalks *me at my feet. 00:07:56.000 - 00:07:58.400