
Hands up! 00:00:31.007 - 00:00:32.486
Down! 00:00:36.367 - 00:00:37.004
Open it! Move. 00:00:42.007 - 00:00:43.759
Give me the money. 00:00:50.647 - 00:00:52.478
Life often gets complicated. 00:01:00.047 - 00:01:02.083
The older you get, the more problems you get. 00:01:02.167 - 00:01:05.239
SometimesIlike to remember the times when things were simple. 00:01:05.327 - 00:01:09.923
When life was a game for us and we didn't want to play by the rules. 00:01:10.767 - 00:01:14.601
Just me and Tomas. lnseparable buddies, from the very start. 00:01:15.367 - 00:01:19.406
-Looks sweet. -Right? -You said it. 00:01:21.927 - 00:01:25.237
-Hey man. -What's up, fool? Fine? 00:01:25.967 - 00:01:28.197
Sure. Going to the bar, want something? 00:01:28.287 - 00:01:31.199
-'Scuse me. Take my order? -No time right now. 00:01:31.287 - 00:01:33.881
-What was that? -Excuse me. 00:01:33.967 - 00:01:36.845
-'Scuse me, 'scuse me! Hello! -Ican't now. 00:01:38.607 - 00:01:42.600
Excuse me.Iwant to order. 00:01:42.767 - 00:01:45.839
-What are you fighting for? -A soda butIobviously can't win. 00:01:50.527 - 00:01:54.440
-Why's that? -'Cuz everyone keeps ignoring me. 00:01:54.527 - 00:01:57.519
Well, we can ignore them too. 00:01:57.607 - 00:02:00.075
-Wanna dance? -What? 00:02:09.287 - 00:02:11.357
-Iasked if you wanted to dance. -Can't hear you. 00:02:11.447 - 00:02:15.122