
You who go, you will return. 00:00:15.700 - 00:00:18.000
You who sleep, you will rise. 00:00:18.000 - 00:00:20.300
You who walk, you will be resurrected. 00:00:20.300 - 00:00:22.600
For glory is due to you, 00:00:22.600 - 00:00:24.900
to the heavens and their loftiness, 00:00:24.900 - 00:00:27.200
to the earth and its breadth, 00:00:27.200 - 00:00:29.500
to the seas and their depth. 00:00:29.500 - 00:00:31.800
The Night of Counting the Years 00:00:44.000 - 00:00:48.800
The Mummy 00:00:48.800 - 00:00:53.100
Based on the story of the discovery of the cache of mummies in Dayr Al-Bahri in 1881 00:00:53.100 - 00:00:57.700
"May you be obeyed, Lord of Light, 00:03:14.800 - 00:03:18.800
you who live in the heart of the great house. 00:03:18.800 - 00:03:24.900
Prince of night and darkness, 00:03:24.900 - 00:03:29.000
I have come to you as a pure soul. 00:03:29.000 - 00:03:33.100
Grant me a mouth that I may speak in your presence. 00:03:33.100 - 00:03:38.500
Bring me my heart quickly 00:03:38.500 - 00:03:42.300
on the day when the clouds become heavy 00:03:42.300 - 00:03:46.200
and the darkness thickens." 00:03:46.200 - 00:03:49.300
"Give me my name in the great house, 00:03:50.400 - 00:03:53.900
and return my name 00:03:53.900 - 00:03:56.300
to memory, on the day when the years are counted." 00:03:56.300 - 00:03:59.500