
字幕制作:小饱 现在正在为您披露报道上周在伦敦的袭击事件 We come to you now with revelations about last week's attack 00:01:40.420 - 00:01:43.060
一个匿名消息源提供了这段视频 in London. An anonymous source provided this video. 00:01:43.080 - 00:01:45.640
视频内容为昆廷·贝克,又名神秘客死前的一刻 It shows Quentin Beck, aka.Mysterio, moments before his death. 00:01:45.900 - 00:01:50.250
事先警告,这段视频有可能给您带来不适 A warning, you may find this video disturbing. 00:01:50.400 - 00:01:52.930
我想方设法地把元素众送回他们的维度 I managed to send the Elemental back through the rift but I 00:01:53.070 - 00:01:55.100
但我觉得我没办法活着离开这座桥了 don't think I'm gonna make it out of this bridge alive. 00:01:55.120 - 00:01:56.960
蜘蛛侠不知为何攻击了我 Spider-Man attacked me for some reason. He has 00:01:56.990 - 00:01:58.820
他手握着一只配备斯塔克科技的武装无人机军团 an army of weaponized drones, Stark technology. 00:01:58.840 - 00:02:00.680
他说他才是世界上唯一能成为钢铁侠接班人的人 He's saying he's the only one who's gonna be the new Iron Man, no one else. 00:02:00.700 - 00:02:04.200
是否确认执行无人机攻击指令 Are you sure you want to commence the drone 00:02:04.750 - 00:02:06.670
这会带来很大数量的伤亡 attack? There will be significant casualties. 00:02:06.700 - 00:02:08.790
确认,把他们全部处决掉 Do it. Execute them all. 00:02:09.020 - 00:02:11.550
这个令人大跌眼镜的视频 This shocking video was released earlier today 00:02:15.330 - 00:02:18.290
早些时候发布于争议性新闻网站,号角日报网 on the controversial news website 00:02:18.320 - 00:02:21.420
没想到吧,观众们,这下铁证如山了 There you have it, folks, conclusive proof that Spider-Man was responsible 00:02:21.570 - 00:02:25.570
神秘客,一个来自其他次元的,为了保护我们的星球 for the brutal murder of Mysterio, an interdimensional warrior 00:02:25.600 - 00:02:28.980
而牺牲自己,载入史册的世界上最伟大的超级英雄 who gave his life to protect our planet, and who will no doubt 00:02:29.000 - 00:02:32.290
蜘蛛侠将为他的惨死负责 go down in history as the greatest superhero of all time. 00:02:32.320 - 00:02:36.710
但还没完,大伙们 But that's not all, folks. 00:02:37.390 - 00:02:39.430
接下来的才是真正的重磅炸弹,坐好听清楚了 Here's the real blockbuster. Brace yourselves, you might wanna sit down. 00:02:39.460 - 00:02:42.470
蜘蛛侠的...蜘蛛侠的真名... Spider-Man's real... Spider-Man's real name is... 00:02:42.500 - 00:02:45.180