
Previously on AMC's "The Walking Dead"... 00:00:00.260 - 00:00:03.360
[Gunfire] 00:00:03.360 - 00:00:04.390
Aah! 00:00:04.390 - 00:00:05.060
[Gunfire continues] 00:00:05.060 - 00:00:06.990
We will lose not one of our ranks. 00:00:07.000 - 00:00:09.900
Ezekiel: Not one. 00:00:10.250 - 00:00:12.390
We move onward. 00:00:12.390 - 00:00:13.690
[Tiger growling] [Roars] 00:00:13.690 - 00:00:15.520
[Man shouts indistinctly] There! Go! 00:00:15.530 - 00:00:17.530
[Gunfire] 00:00:17.530 - 00:00:18.760
Scatter, now! 00:00:23.900 - 00:00:25.870
Cover the King! 00:00:25.870 - 00:00:26.700
[ Gunfire ] 00:00:26.700 - 00:00:28.400
Ezekiel: No! 00:00:28.400 - 00:00:29.740
[Sighs] 00:00:45.650 - 00:00:47.190
[Gate creaks lightly] 00:02:36.730 - 00:02:40.230
[Shiva growling softly] 00:02:40.270 - 00:02:43.570
Fear not, young master Henry. 00:03:35.930 - 00:03:38.730
You will be brave. 00:03:38.760 - 00:03:41.600
Because you are brave. 00:03:43.630 - 00:03:47.130
We face dire challenge and chance. 00:04:06.360 - 00:04:11.330