
I hope you have a very good reason for calling me out here. 00:01:20.430 - 00:01:23.263
About an hour ago two workmen digging the foundations for... 00:01:24.390 - 00:01:27.587
the IT Center found four bodies in a very advanced... 00:01:27.750 - 00:01:30.901
state of decomposition... It seems that the site the... 00:01:31.510 - 00:01:34.024
workmen were digging at was an old Turkish graveyard. 00:01:34.190 - 00:01:37.182
Those skeletons are three hundred years old. Apparently... 00:01:38.070 - 00:01:40.265
they died from the plague. That's why they're covered... 00:01:40.430 - 00:01:42.819
in lime. But that's not the interesting part. 00:01:43.030 - 00:01:46.989
The bodies are not sufficiently decomposed for their age. 00:01:47.230 - 00:01:50.620
Let me show you... 00:01:51.350 - 00:01:52.863
One of the men cut himself on the skeleton's ribs. 00:01:54.310 - 00:01:58.349
An ordinary cut, or so it seemed... 00:01:59.630 - 00:02:02.383
But then, by the time the medical staff arrived... 00:02:04.310 - 00:02:07.382
he was already dead. 00:02:07.510 - 00:02:08.659
From the plague!? 00:02:09.590 - 00:02:10.579
We still don't know. 00:02:10.790 - 00:02:11.825
I want all the skeletons vacuum-sealed, as well as... 00:02:28.470 - 00:02:30.620
this body here. I'll inform you later about where to send them. 00:02:30.790 - 00:02:34.260
And keep quiet on this. Not a word. 00:02:34.430 - 00:02:36.341
So you weren't sent to the exercise? 00:03:40.150 - 00:03:41.663
I guess they had to leave someone in the city, grandpa. 00:03:42.430 - 00:03:45.342