2004 - Justice League Unlimited
Justice League Unlimited is an American animated television series that was produced by Warner Bros. Animation and aired on Cartoon Network. Featuring a wide array of superheroes from the DC Comics universe, and specifically based on the Justice League superhero team, it is a direct sequel to the previous Justice League animated series. themoviedb
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Justice League Unlimited subtitles for episodes from season 1
S01E01 Initiation
S01E02 For the Man Who Has Everything
S01E03 Kid Stuff
S01E04 Hawk and Dove
S01E05 This Little Piggy
S01E06 Fearful Symmetry
S01E07 The Greatest Story Never Told
S01E08 The Return
S01E09 Ultimatum
S01E10 Dark Heart
S01E11 Wake the Dead
S01E12 The Once and Future Thing (1): Weird Western Tales
S01E13 The Once and Future Thing (2): Time, Warped