
聖賢的話是一個警告 The Oracle's words stand as a warning 00:00:56.391 - 00:00:59.141
一個預言 a prophecy 00:00:59.325 - 00:01:01.325
斯巴達將淪陷 Sparta will fall 00:01:02.082 - 00:01:04.149
全希臘將淪陷 all of Greece will fall 00:01:05.252 - 00:01:06.784
波斯之火將把雅典燒成灰 and Persian fire will reduce Athens to cinder 00:01:13.963 - 00:01:17.963
因為雅典是一堆石頭、 for Athens is a pile of stone 00:01:18.679 - 00:01:20.611
木材、布料和塵土 and wood and cloth and dust 00:01:20.933 - 00:01:22.733
而塵土,將隨風消散 and as dust will vanish into the wind 00:01:24.644 - 00:01:27.111
只有雅典人活下來 only the Athenians themselves exist 00:01:28.067 - 00:01:30.233
全世界的命運懸決於他們的決定 and the fate of the world hangs on their every syllable 00:01:30.355 - 00:01:33.423
只有雅典人活下來 only the Athenians exist 00:01:39.285 - 00:01:43.353
只有堅木船才能救他們 and only stout wooden ships can save them 00:01:43.930 - 00:01:47.397
木船 wooden ships 00:01:47.999 - 00:01:50.805
和英雄們的熱血浪潮 and a tidal wave of heroes' blood 00:01:51.029 - 00:01:54.097
列奧尼達斯,我的丈夫。。。 Leonidas, my husband 00:02:02.602 - 00:02:04.793
列奧尼達斯,你們的國王 Leonidas, your king 00:02:05.957 - 00:02:07.254
列奧尼達斯和300壯士死了。 Leonidas and the brave 300 are dead 00:02:09.207 - 00:02:11.925
希臘的男女 The free men and women of Greece are 00:02:13.927 - 00:02:15.998
不理斯巴達人的死活 not bound by a beautiful Spartan death 00:02:16.023 - 00:02:18.205
他們不愛戰爭 war is not their love 00:02:19.056 - 00:02:20.432
但他卻為他們犧牲 yet he laid down his life for them 00:02:21.310 - 00:02:23.228