
地球 1988年 00:00:07.120 - 00:00:11.967
金曲合辑(一) 00:00:15.920 - 00:00:20.267
彼得 Peter. 00:00:36.920 - 00:00:37.967
你妈妈想和你说话 Your momma wants to speak with you. 00:00:39.480 - 00:00:42.563
快点 彼得 把这傻玩意儿拿掉 Come on, Pete. Take these fool things off. 00:00:44.960 - 00:00:48.806
你怎么又和别的孩子打架了 宝贝? Why have you been fighting with the other boys again, baby? 00:01:22.640 - 00:01:25.883
彼得? Peter? 00:01:28.480 - 00:01:29.686
他们杀了一只无辜的青蛙 They killed a little frog that ain't done nothing. 00:01:30.160 - 00:01:33.369
用棍子把它压死了 Smushed it with a stick. 00:01:34.000 - 00:01:36.526
你真像你爸爸 You're so like your daddy. 00:01:37.800 - 00:01:40.201
连长得都和他一样 You even look like him. 00:01:41.000 - 00:01:42.843
他就是个天使 And he was an angel. 00:01:44.200 - 00:01:46.202
- 散发着纯洁的光芒 - 梅尔? - Composed out of pure light. - Mer? 00:01:47.680 - 00:01:50.331
你不是有礼物想给彼得吗? You got a present there for Peter, don't you? 00:01:50.480 - 00:01:52.403
是的 Of course. 00:01:54.320 - 00:01:55.924
好了 There. 00:01:59.040 - 00:02:00.201
我帮你放好 彼得 I've got you covered, Pete. 00:02:01.880 - 00:02:03.723
等我走了你再打开 好吗? You open it up when I'm gone, okay? 00:02:08.080 - 00:02:09.969
你外公... Your grandpa... 00:02:12.360 - 00:02:14.044
会把你照顾得好好的 is gonna take such good care of you. 00:02:14.960 - 00:02:17.611
至少等到你爸爸回来接你 At least until your daddy comes back to get you. 00:02:17.760 - 00:02:21.560