
每年都有成千上万的墨西哥人通过偷渡进入美国 00:00:58.230 - 00:01:06.070
这条边境由墨西哥贩毒集团控制 每年都有成千上万的墨西哥人通过偷渡进入美国 00:01:06.070 - 00:01:13.120
美国-墨西哥边界 得克萨斯州 远鉴字幕组&Fantopia字幕组原创译制 00:01:19.170 - 00:01:23.260
守卫 我是奥马哈4-4号 方向158 朝拉雷多航进 Guardian, this is Omaha 4-4 on heading 158 to Laredo. 00:01:33.130 - 00:01:36.620
收到 奥马哈4-4号 Copy, Omaha 4-4. 00:01:38.750 - 00:01:40.320
红外雷达监测到异常 I'm picking up movement on the FLIR. 00:01:43.490 - 00:01:45.410
我飞进观察一下 请待命 Coming in for a closer look. Stand by. 00:01:45.580 - 00:01:47.450
这里是美国边境巡逻队 This is the United States Border Patrol. 00:02:24.530 - 00:02:27.410
跪下 举起手来 Get on your knees and put your hands up. 00:02:27.580 - 00:02:30.450
嘿 蹲下 Hey! Get down! 00:02:30.630 - 00:02:32.850
蹲下 Get down! 00:02:33.020 - 00:02:34.500
蹲下 Stay down! 00:02:34.670 - 00:02:36.020
蹲下 Get down! 00:02:36.200 - 00:02:36.940
这里是美国边境巡逻队 This is the United States Border Patrol. 00:02:45.770 - 00:02:49.210
跪下 双手抱头 Get on your knees and put your hands on your head. 00:02:49.380 - 00:02:53.740
这里是美国边境巡逻队 This is the United States Border Patrol. 00:03:17.500 - 00:03:20.370
跪下 举起手来 Get on your knees. Put your hands up. 00:03:20.550 - 00:03:23.110
这里是美国边境巡逻队 This is the United States Border Patrol. 00:03:25.590 - 00:03:30.160
让我看见你们的双手 Let me see your hands! 00:03:37.130 - 00:03:40.220
举起双手 举起双手 Show me your hands! Show me your hands! 00:03:40.390 - 00:03:43.090
举起... Show...! 00:03:43.260 - 00:03:44.440