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Profile for user: Hunnenkoenig

Ranks: was enabled by os
was enabled by os - Mon 28 Dec 02:18:54 2015
was enabled by os - Mon 28 Dec 02:18:53 2015
Registered on:Mon 26 Aug 10:54:45 2013 / Austria
Last login:Sun 11 Feb 20:52:24 2024
Uploaded subtitles:23

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kacsababa @ 2013-10-31 19:46:48
Tervezed a We're The Millers extended verzióját is megcsinálni?
Hunnenkoenig @ 2013-10-31 19:53:04
Megnezem mit tehetek. Nem tudtam, hogy van uj verzioja.
kacsababa @ 2013-10-31 20:16:49
Kösz szépen. Elég friss még az a verzió.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2013-10-31 20:27:18
Na letöltöttem. Ujra kell idöziteni. Sok szöveget valoszinüleg nem kell hozzaadni.
Holnap fel tudom rakni valoszinüleg. Ma mar nem tudok nekiallni sajna.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2013-11-09 17:38:00
Fent van az extended verzio.
SergioAmigo @ 2014-07-27 22:51:16
22 Jump Streethez nincs kedved? :D
SergioAmigo @ 2014-07-27 22:54:25
22.Jump.Street.2014.HDCAM.Xvid-CRYS van belőle hd már.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2014-07-27 23:23:39
Megnezem. Kamera verziokat nem nagyon kedvelem. Plusz, ha mar kint van mozikban Mo-n, akkor mar nem foglalkozom vele, mert akkor barki csinalhat egy transcriptet, illetve elmehet megnezni. De ha jo minöseg a kamera, talan bevallalom.
SergioAmigo @ 2014-07-27 23:57:04
Bemutató dátuma: 2014. augusztus 21. És jó minőség a cucc. Amúgy meg biztos sokan örülnének neki mert nagyon várt film.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2014-07-27 23:59:53
Ja utananneztem. A kamera minöseg viszont eleg tré... Ha lesz egy koreai webrip, akkor megcsinalom. Erre most annyira nem akarom pazarolni az idöt, mert utana megint pöcsölni kell az idözitessel stb. De majd meglatom.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2014-07-30 16:53:34
Elkezdtem ezt forditani: 22.Jump.Street.2014.CAM.STUDIO.AUDIO.XviD.MP3-RARBG Ennek van rendes eleje es rendes vege, jo a hang is es a kep is viszonylag elvezhetö.
SergioAmigo @ 2014-07-30 18:07:24
De király vagy!! Köszi szépen!!!!!
Hunnenkoenig @ 2014-08-01 23:50:20
Kb. a felenel tartok. Kurva sok szöveg :-)
Viszont hetvegen nem tudom csinalni, ugyhogy szerintem jövö het vege fele lesz kesz. Legkesöbb csütörtök-pentek valoszinü.
SergioAmigo @ 2014-08-06 02:17:10
Nagyon nagy köszönet amiért megcsináltad!
Ralle1 @ 2014-08-11 20:01:07
Vielen Dank für deine Anmerkung zu "The Expendables 3 (2014)". Informativ.
SmallBrother @ 2014-12-29 21:10:39
I have taken care of the problem around "The Interview". See . Please do not hesitate to make a report or contact me directly if something like this happens again. Thank you, happy subtitling and best wishes for 2015 :)
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-06 12:31:27
Hello Hunnenkoenig, concerning your report about the upload of "The Interview" ("My subtitle stolen, my name deleted from inside and uploaded as his own. The only difference is, that it is converted to ANSI. Please delete! Thanks!"). I see SOME differences (not only conversion from UTF-8 to CP1250), but indeed the credits are missing. So I have deleted the subtitle. Please keep in mind that missing credits could occur 'by accident', by not realizing, etc. and not necessarily by bad intentions. I have explained also to dmakm (see ), I hope he/she understands English.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-06 14:26:20
Thank you!
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-15 16:48:35
Hi, can you please look into this user: grion666 ? He is giving random translations low rating even if they are all right and based on his comments it seems that he has some kind of revenge going on. I already wrote on his wall, but he didn't react. I also see, he has some "read only" limitation, so I assume, he already was stuck out somehow in the past. Can you please remove his votings and make sure, that he can't do it again? He did not only gave my subtitles low ratings, but for others too. Thanks in advance, if you can handle this.
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-15 21:42:09
Hello Hunnenkoenig. My understanding of Hungarian is less than Google ;-) But I have reset the ratings of the two subs uploaded by YstyO1. To do more, I would have to know the specific subtitles (URL's) of the subtitles you are talking about, I cannot find other stuff. That user is on read-only since 1 Jun 2012, so he/she cannot write anything anymore since then, including ratings.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-15 21:56:45
He rated almost all my own subtitles low, even the last one (The Interview), although I uploaded it on 29 Dec 2014, so somehow he managed to rate my subtitles. If you look for my subtitles, almost all of them were rated 1-3 stars by this user, even if others gave 10 points. 5982339/the-interview-hu, 5779446/22-jump-street-hu, 5768031/the-expendables-3-hu, 5596167/snowpiercer-hu, 5150231/now-you-see-me-hu
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-15 22:07:48
I cannot see that the rating was done by him. How do you know?
Besides, I can reset the rating, but it will erase all, then it will all be gone and go to zero. I think you don't want this...
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-15 22:16:38
If I go to my subtitle and click the "vote for subtitles" text, which is a link, a window opens with the names of the people, who voted for my subtitle and the date of their votes and the rating they gave. I uploaded a screenshot of the votings of my The Interview subtitle here: If you can't access the database on the user level to reset only his votings, then let it be, I don't want to lose all my ratings. Thank you for your time and patience.
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-15 22:47:29
Aha. I cannot delete that specific one-user rating, so for this I am afraid you will have to live with it. But in my opinion I think this should not be, I guess it's a bug in the system. I will make a report for that.
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-16 11:40:49
Just for your information:
- Now read-only members cannot rate anymore.
- All ratings made by grion666 are deleted (just wait for the cache to expire to have new calculations).
The big boss fixed that.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-16 11:49:28
Thank you very much! I appreciate your and the big boss' efforts! :-)
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-17 14:16:55
Hi, just wanted to let you know, that the names of the user on the votings disappeared from the voters' list, but his rating numbers didn't yet. I am not sure, how long it takes for the cache to update, but if it shouldn't be so long, can you please check it? Now there are subtitles, which don't have voters in the list, but still show 1 star rating because of that user.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-17 14:18:22
You can check the "no voter, still 1 star rating" here: 5259248/we-re-the-millers-hu
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-17 14:53:37
Yeah, I already noticed. It COULD be a matter of cache, some things are cached longer than other things and it is 'only' 24 hours now. But -to make a long story short- in this case I think the big boss just forgot something. I reported it, now waiting for a fix.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-20 19:37:58
Please let me know, if you have any news on this. Still the same :-(
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-20 22:56:27
I haven't forgotten, I reported the problem, but it looks like the fix is not so easy. The situation now is that the correct value will be re-calculated as soon as there is a new vote. The subs that have no more ratings, but still have the 'old' value, I can reset. I have done that for
but the others still have 'real' ratings, so I didn't touch them.
If I have news, I will let you know.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-20 23:19:29
Thank you very much! That's good enough for me. I won't disturb you anymore with this. I just also want that the site works as it supposed to, because I have a few websites on my own and I know, how important user feedback is. :-)
SmallBrother @ 2015-01-22 20:37:54
The problem with a 'real' fix (recalculate ALL ratings for ALL subtitles) is that it is not sure that all rating data is still available. This means a risk of breaking more than fixing. So we decided to let things be as they are now and close this case. Anyway, it's better than before.
Don't worry about "disturbing me" - I am not disturbed. I appreciate user feedback in general (for the sake of everyone) and I don't really like childish behaviour (this is how this issue started).
Btw, nice how the hungarians rate and thank a lot. In the dutch section the average is one thanks in 200 downloads and rating is close to zero...
Regards :)
Hunnenkoenig @ 2015-01-23 01:04:15
I understand. Thank you very much for your efforts! Yes, the new thank you button is surprisingly well received among hungarians. :-)
exblade @ 2016-01-04 19:04:47
A magyar felirataidhoz Gratula..
Csak így tovább..előre
A Joy c filmhez kérhetném hogy csinálj feliratot..
Előre is hálás köszönetem
Hunnenkoenig @ 2016-01-04 19:27:16
Egyelöre örülök, ha a creedet befejezem. Utana nem hiszem, hogy sok idöm lesz, azonkivül nem szeretek olyan filmeket forditani, ami mar megy moziban magyarul. De majd meglatjuk.
Hunnenkoenig @ 2016-01-04 19:27:50
Amugy köszi es örülök, hogy tetszenek a felirataim :-)