
If, and only if, both sides of the numerator... 00:00:28.946 - 00:00:32.407
is divisible by the inverse of the square root... 00:00:32.533 - 00:00:35.077
of the two unassigned variables. 00:00:35.202 - 00:00:37.621
Good. Except when the value of the "X" coordinate... 00:00:37.704 - 00:00:40.958
is equal to or less than the value of one. 00:00:40.999 - 00:00:44.086
- Yes, Isaac? - What about that problem? 00:00:44.545 - 00:00:47.422
Oh, that? Don't worry about that. 00:00:47.548 - 00:00:49.967
- "M" is... - Wait. Why? 00:00:50.008 - 00:00:52.469
I just put that up as a joke. That's probably the hardest geometry equation in the world. 00:00:52.553 - 00:00:57.099
How much extra credit is it worth? 00:00:57.224 - 00:00:59.768
Well, considering I've never seen anyone get it right, 00:00:59.893 - 00:01:02.771
including my mentor, Dr. Leaky at M.I.T., 00:01:02.813 - 00:01:05.899
I guess if anyone here can solve that problem, 00:01:05.983 - 00:01:08.569
I'd see to it that none of you ever have to open another math book again... 00:01:08.652 - 00:01:11.738
for the rest of your lives. 00:01:11.822 - 00:01:14.575
Max? Care to try it? 00:01:21.665 - 00:01:24.668
I'm sorry, did someone say my name? 00:01:26.170 - 00:01:28.255
You got it. 00:02:07.169 - 00:02:08.420
Fischer! Fischer! Fischer! Fischer! Fischer! 00:02:13.050 - 00:02:16.512
Thank you. 00:02:30.317 - 00:02:31.610
You guys have it real easy. 00:02:33.362 - 00:02:35.405