
Check, charge or cash? 00:03:28.720 - 00:03:30.233
Cash. 00:03:30.320 - 00:03:31.355
Make it out to... 00:03:33.520 - 00:03:34.999
...Jack's Demolition. Tucson. 00:03:35.280 - 00:03:37.077
$788.30. 00:03:37.360 - 00:03:38.509
Taking me to breakfast? 00:05:25.040 - 00:05:26.758
I can't. I'm meeting Bosko. 00:05:26.960 - 00:05:28.552
Hey, Vincent. 00:05:30.040 - 00:05:31.268
Where are my barrettes? 00:05:31.600 - 00:05:32.874
I saw them on the kitchen table. 00:05:33.120 - 00:05:35.031
I already checked. 00:05:35.200 - 00:05:36.474
Coffee? 00:05:37.040 - 00:05:37.995
No school today? 00:05:38.240 - 00:05:39.275
My dad's taking me to the new building and then to lunch. 00:05:39.360 - 00:05:42.432
Try under the sofa cushions. 00:05:42.520 - 00:05:44.078
He's already a half an hour late. 00:05:47.760 - 00:05:49.751
He's going to show, or stand her up like last time? 00:05:50.320 - 00:05:53.357
I'll make coffee. 00:05:53.840 - 00:05:54.989
Out of time. 00:05:55.080 - 00:05:56.195
Mom, my barrettes are not on the couch. 00:06:08.560 - 00:06:11.028
Wear the blue ones. 00:06:12.080 - 00:06:13.718