
The northern tales of Kalevala. Tale of a smith... 00:00:48.474 - 00:00:51.432
...who built a source of happiness. A machine called the Sampo. 00:00:51.554 - 00:00:55.183
The oldest legends of China. Tale of the last son of the Nocktress. 00:00:56.354 - 00:01:00.393
A demon that seized a machine called the Sampo. 00:01:00.674 - 00:01:04.223
Between the ancient Chinese and Finnish tales lies a link. 00:01:04.994 - 00:01:08.987
This link was left out of the writings of the Kalevala. 00:01:09.114 - 00:01:12.993
The son of the smith. 00:01:14.274 - 00:01:17.107
The grave in East-Karelia where we found him dates to the Bronze Age. 00:01:17.234 - 00:01:23.104
An artefact buried with him shows a level of metal craftsmanship... 00:01:27.194 - 00:01:32.222
...unknown in human history. 00:01:34.034 - 00:01:37.947
One might suspect it was left behind by extra-terrestrial intelligence... 00:01:42.034 - 00:01:46.744
...a time-capsule of some sort. 00:01:46.914 - 00:01:49.348
...but the writing on it was Chinese, from before the first known dynasties. 00:01:49.994 - 00:01:56.388
The writing states that the chest belonged to the son of the smith... 00:02:01.474 - 00:02:05.752
...but he could only open it in a moment of his greatest despair. 00:02:05.874 - 00:02:09.867
Only when all hope is lost. 00:02:10.634 - 00:02:15.185
There. It's ruined. 00:02:51.954 - 00:02:54.548
Kai, this is not the beginning. This is the end. 00:03:14.194 - 00:03:18.585
East Karelia - Finland 2000 B.C. 00:03:31.834 - 00:03:34.223
Back away. Don't touch that animal. 00:03:48.954 - 00:03:53.744
I only wounded it. We'll let it live. 00:04:54.474 - 00:04:58.228