
I do not believe that any of us... 00:01:10.984 - 00:01:14.317
wouId exchange pIaces wIth any other peopIe or any other generatIon. 00:01:14.388 - 00:01:19.519
The energy, the faIth, the devotIon... 00:01:20.327 - 00:01:22.989
Grownups like to tell you where they were when... 00:01:23.063 - 00:01:25.429
President Kennedy was shot whIch they all know to the exact second. 00:01:25.499 - 00:01:28.832
WhIch makes me aImost jeaIous. 00:01:29.669 - 00:01:31.933
Like I shouId have something Important enough to know... 00:01:33.006 - 00:01:35.270
where I was when it happened. 00:01:35.342 - 00:01:37.333
But I don't yet. 00:01:37.878 - 00:01:39.607
And the fact that It was a better tIme then... 00:01:49.122 - 00:01:51.283
and peopIe knew what they were supposed to do... 00:01:51.358 - 00:01:53.656
and how to make the worId better. Now, nobody knows anythIng. 00:01:53.727 - 00:01:57.163
We know who Is popuIar or that socIaI studIes Is borIng. 00:02:01.935 - 00:02:05.166
Or that BrIan aIways has stomach troubIe. 00:02:05.939 - 00:02:08.772
But nobody knows anythIng Important. 00:02:12.546 - 00:02:14.878
Instead of changIng the worId... 00:02:32.065 - 00:02:34.560
peopIe sIt In cIass and wrIte notes about other peopIe. 00:02:34.134 - 00:02:36.796
My soda. 00:03:23.917 - 00:03:25.430
Get back. Get back. Get back. Get back. 00:03:28.622 - 00:03:31.887
Stay back. Be quiet. 00:03:31.992 - 00:03:33.823
Did you see who it was? Did you? 00:03:34.794 - 00:03:39.697