
Legend holds that buried somewhere in the Iraqi desert 00:00:04.449 - 00:00:07.122
is a fabled book penned by ancient mystics 00:00:07.289 - 00:00:09.678
known as the Akashic Records, 00:00:09.849 - 00:00:11.805
believed to be a written account of all significant events throughout time. 00:00:11.969 - 00:00:16.759
Powerful stuff. 00:00:16.929 - 00:00:18.044
If someone were to get their hands on that, they could win the lottery. 00:00:18.569 - 00:00:22.084
Or at least get tenure. 00:00:22.249 - 00:00:24.160
To know the future brings, obviously, ultimate power. 00:00:24.929 - 00:00:28.638
Which is why everyone from Herod to Hitler has been looking for the records. 00:00:28.809 - 00:00:32.245
But to find them... 00:00:32.409 - 00:00:34.206
To find them, one needs a map. 00:00:34.369 - 00:00:37.725
This tablet, found in the lvory Coast last year, 00:00:38.769 - 00:00:41.442
is believed to be the very map. 00:00:41.609 - 00:00:43.327
Although the engravings are of a lost language so far indecipherable 00:00:43.489 - 00:00:48.085
to even scholars like myself. 00:00:48.249 - 00:00:50.160
But we're close. 00:00:50.329 - 00:00:52.524
Whoever can decipher them first will know the exact latitude and longitude 00:00:53.249 - 00:00:57.288
- of the Akashic Records. - My God, that's it. 00:00:57.449 - 00:00:59.519
- Excuse me? - No, no. Excuse me. 00:01:01.209 - 00:01:03.643
If you'll follow me, I'll show you the next exhibit, which is quite interesting. 00:01:05.529 - 00:01:09.078
I cracked it. Dad, the rest of the map, 00:01:14.249 - 00:01:16.922