
Isn't this great? 00:01:23.120 - 00:01:25.315
Look at the Duke. 00:01:26.080 - 00:01:27.672
One of his finest films: 00:01:27.880 - 00:01:29.757
I Shoot Them Because They're Injuns. 00:01:29.960 - 00:01:32.633
As a woman viewer... 00:01:34.600 - 00:01:36.318
...what's your opinion, pumpkin? 00:01:36.520 - 00:01:37.999
Daddy, I would rather be reading. Does that tell you anything? 00:01:38.800 - 00:01:42.873
It tells me you're a girl. 00:01:44.480 - 00:01:46.391
Which means your opinion means less to me than the dog's. 00:01:46.600 - 00:01:49.672
Bud, what do you think? 00:01:50.920 - 00:01:52.433
I'm thinking this Duke guy walks a lot like you... 00:01:52.640 - 00:01:54.870
...when you have to go to the bathroom. 00:01:55.080 - 00:01:57.355
I copied that walk. 00:01:58.040 - 00:01:59.268
I figured the reason he does it like that... 00:01:59.480 - 00:02:01.436 because no one in these movies ever goes to the bathroom. 00:02:01.640 - 00:02:04.598
That's what the folks in show biz called subtext. 00:02:04.800 - 00:02:07.951
I wonder what kind of toilet paper they used to use in the Old West. 00:02:08.160 - 00:02:12.312
Thank you for getting him started on this. 00:02:12.760 - 00:02:15.877
Oh, my God. It's the Duke. 00:02:19.200 - 00:02:21.555
Now he's gonna start wondering when they went to the bathroom. 00:02:21.760 - 00:02:25.275
And who invented the toilet bowl. 00:02:25.920 - 00:02:28.070